G. Tittel

Search for Superheavy Elements in theU238+U238Reaction

A search was made for spontaneously fissioning superheavy elements in damped collisions of two uranium nuclei. Different techniques were applied covering the elements 108 to 118 and approx. =126, and a half-life range from 1 ms to more than 1 yr. No evidence for superheavy elements was found at upper cross-section limits of 10/sup -32/, 10/sup -33/, and 10/sup -35/ cm/sup 2/ for half-lives from 1 to 100 ms, 100 ms to 1 d, and 1 d to 1 yr, respectively.

research product

Odd neutron nuclei near A=100: Rotational bands in103Mo and105Mo populated in the? ? decays of103Nb and105Nb

Theβ − decays of103Nb and105Nb have been studied at the fission product separators JOSEF and LOHENGRIN. Half-lives of (1.5±0.2) s and (2.95±0.06) s, respectively, have been determined for these decays. Fromγ singles andγ-γ coincidence measurements extended level schemes for103Mo and105Mo have been established for the first time. The lowest energy levels of these nuclei are consistent with the interpretation as members of rotational bands built on a 3/2+ [411] Nilsson state. Evidence is presented for the location of the 9/2+ [404] configuration.

research product

Search for superheavy elements in monazites using chemical enrichment

Evidence for the existence of superheavy elements in monazite inclusions embedded in Madagascan mica and surrounded by giant radioactive haloes was given by Gentry et al.1 who observed photons with energies corresponding to predicted Lα1 X-ray energies of element 126 (at 27.25 keV) and also of elements 116, 124 and 127 in irradiations of such crystals with collimated proton beams. For an unambiguous identification, the detection of further members of the L X-ray series would be most important. In X-ray spectra of monazite samples these transitions are buried under the strong K X-ray peaks of the lanthanide elements. They should, however, become visible after chemical enrichment of the super…

research product

Actinide Production in Collisions ofU238withCm248

Cross sections for the production of heavy actinides in damped collisions of $^{238}\mathrm{U}$ ions with $^{248}\mathrm{Cm}$ targets are reported and compared with similar data for other projectiles. The relatively small differences in the formation rates of a given isotope made by different projectiles indicate a balance between increased mass transfer probability with increasing projectile mass and a concurrent decrease in survivability because of an increase in excitation energy.

research product

Direct identification of 103–107Mo by a rapid chemical separation procedure

Abstract The nuclides 103–107Mo have been identified by means of γ-ray spectroscopy after the separation of molybdenum from fission products of 235U and 239Pu by a rapid chemical procedure. Half-lives of 67.5 ± 1.5 s for 103Mo, 59.4 ± 0.8 s for 104Mo, 36.7 ± 1.0 s for 105Mo, 8.4 ± 0.5 s for 106Mo and 3.5 ± 0.5 s for 107Mo have been determined and the main γ-lines were assigned to the decay of these isotopes. Some evidence for 108Mo with a half-life ≤2 s has also been obtained.

research product

Search for long-lived superheavy elements in the reaction of136Xe with238U

A search with radiochemical methods for long-lived superheavy elements in 238U targets bombarded with intense beams of136Xe ions produced negative results. A formation cross section of ≤1×10−35 cm2 is deduced at 95% confidence level for nuclides with half-lives between 1 and 200 d.

research product

Evidence for rotational bands in103Nb

The nucleus103Nb62 has been studied through the s− decay of the fission product103Zr at LOHENGRIN and JOSEF. The energies of the lowlying levels and the γ transitions indicate rotational bands based on the Nilsson proton configurations [422 5/2+] [303 5/2−] and [301 3/2−] at 0, 164 and 248 keV, respectively. The measured half-lives of (4.7±0.5) ns and (2.0±0.6) ns of the levels at 164 and 248 keV are consistent with the Nilsson-model estimates including pairing.

research product