J. Lang
Tensor and Vector Analyzing Powers in the Reaction 2H(e,e’p)
The first experiment to be performed an the internal target facility of NIKHEF-K will be a study of eleclron-induced quasi-elastic proton knock-out from tensor-polarized deuterium. Here, we present the first results from the experimental tests as well as the results of a Monte Carlo simulation, which show the feasibility of the proposed experiment, even at modest luminosities.
High-resolution, accurate MR-TOF-MS for short-lived, exotic nuclei of few events in their ground and low-lying isomeric states
Mass measurements of fission and projectile fragments, produced via $^{238}$U and $^{124}$Xe primary beams, have been performed with the multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MR-TOF-MS) of the FRS Ion Catcher with a mass resolving powers (FWHM) up to 410,000 and an uncertainty of $6\cdot 10^{-8}$. The nuclides were produced and separated in-flight with the fragment separator FRS at 300 to 1000 MeV/u and thermalized in a cryogenic stopping cell. The data-analysis procedure was developed to determine with highest accuracy the mass values and the corresponding uncertainties for the most challenging conditions: down to a few events in a spectrum and overlapping distributions, ch…
Tensor Analyzing Powers for Quasi-Elastic Electron Scattering from Deuterium
We report on a first measurement of tensor analyzing powers in quasi-elastic electron-deuteron scattering at an average three-momentum transfer of 1.7 fm$^{-1}$. Data sensitive to the spin-dependent nucleon density in the deuteron were obtained for missing momenta up to 150 MeV/$c$ with a tensor polarized $^2$H target internal to an electron storage ring. The data are well described by a calculation that includes the effects of final-state interaction, meson-exchange and isobar currents, and leading-order relativistic contributions.
Polarization in mott scattering of multi-MeV electrons from heavy nuclei
To aid fundamental studies on the polarization of electrons in beta decay, measurements were made of the spin dependence in the scattering of 14 MeV electrons from Pb as a function of scattering angle and foil thickness. The experiment made use of a beam of polarized electrons from a strained GaAsP cathode. A simple theoretical model based on plural scattering explains the observed dependence of the analyzing power on foil thickness. The results extrapolated to infinitely thin targets are in excellent agreement with theory if the finite nuclear size is taken into account.
Electron elastic scattering off a Tensor-polarized Deuterium Internal Target
The tensor analyzing power Γ20 in elastic electron-deuteron scattering has been measured in the four momentum transfer region between 1.4 and 3.2 fm~l using the Internal Target Facility at NIKHEF. Tensor-polarized deuterium is produced in an Atomic Beam Source and injected into a storage cell. Scattered electrons and recoil deuterons were detected in coincidence with two large acceptance nonmagnetic detectors.