Ch. Düber

Gadolinium-DTPA (Magnevist®) als Kontrastmittel für die arterielle DSA

16 DSA investigations using intra-arterial Gd-DTPA were performed on 12 patients. The contrast medium was administered either as a 0.5 molar gadolinium solution (commercially available) or diluted with distilled water to a 0.2-0.4 molar gadolinium solution. The injection was made either by pressure injector or by hand. The aortic arch, abdominal aorta and pelvic and lower limb arteries were examined. 14 of the 16 procedures were diagnostically adequate, but compared with iodinated contrast materials, contrast was less marked. There were no cardiovascular, neurological or allergic side effects. Three patients suffered a feeling of heat and one patient had mild pain during the injection. Even…

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Die dynamische31Phosphor-Magnetresonanz-Spektroskopie des M. quadriceps: Therapiebedingte Veränderungen bei arterieller Verschlußkrankheit

PURPOSE: The present investigation aimed at examining changes in muscle metabolism caused by treatment of arterial occlusive disease, using dynamic 31-phosphorus methods. METHOD: 32 patients with arterial occlusive disease were examined in a 1.5 T apparatus with a 6 cm surface coil before and after treatment. The metabolic changes in the quadriceps muscles were visualised during a 36 s phosphorus spectrum during rest, exercise (isometric and isotonic) and during a period of recovery. RESULTS: Vascular therapy resulted in a significant increase in the duration of both types of exercise during dynamic phosphorus spectroscopy (isometric exercise: 282 s against 199 s: p = 0.002, isotonic exerci…

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Solitäre fibröse Pleuratumoren - Seltene Tumoren mit unvorhersehbarem klinischen Verhalten

Solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura are rare tumors with unpredictable clinical behaviour. We report about two patients with an incidental finding of an intrathoracic tumor. Preoperative diagnosis was uncertain. In both patients, a solid tumor of the pleura was resected en bloc in combination with a wedge resection of the lung following anterolateral thoracotomy. The postoperative course was eventful. Six months after primary complete resection there were no signs of tumor recurrence.

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Angiographien im Kleinkindes- und Kindesalter

Between 1973 and 1991 we performed 160 percutaneous angiograms (130 arteriograms, 30 phlebograms) in children and infants; 12 patients were less than one year and 52 less than ten years old. 44 of the examinations were done by a DSA technique. The examinations were carried out under general anaesthesia except in 8 cases. In 50.7% an arteriogram was carried out for the investigation of a suspected or known tumour, in 9.3% an arteriogram was required following trauma. The most common phlebographic examination was for the demonstration of the spermatic vein; in 27 patients this was done for cryptorchidism or a varicocele. The only complication following a diagnostic angiogram was perforation o…

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Sonography versus peritoneal lavage in blunt abdominal trauma.

The reliability of sonography and peritoneal lavage in assessing the need for immediate surgical intervention in blunt abdominal trauma was examined in a prospective study (n = 71). Statistical analysis revealed a sensitivity of 100% for peritoneal lavage compared to 84% for sonography; the accuracy was 99% versus 86%, the predictive value 97% vs. 89%. The statistical difference was significant (p less than 0.05). The results demonstrate that sonography cannot replace peritoneal lavage in the diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma. The discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of both methods shows that sonography and peritoneal lavage are not competing, but rather, are complementary exam…

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