ÁNgel Pardo
Carbon and safe-haven flows
<abstract> <p>This paper explores the role of European Union Allowances (EUAs) as a safe haven for a range of assets and analyses the effect of safe-haven flows on the European carbon futures market. In particular, we demonstrate that EUAs can be considered a refuge against fluctuations in corporate bonds, gold and volatility-related assets in periods of market turmoil. Furthermore, we have shown that extremely bearish and bullish movements in those assets for which the EUA acts as a safe haven induce excess volatility in carbon markets, higher carbon trading volume and larger than normal EUA bid-ask spreads. These findings support the idea that some traders, by considering carb…
A New Perspective on the Relationship between Trading Variables and Volatility in Futures Markets
In this paper, we study the relationship between trading-related variables and volatility in futures markets, from a new unifying perspective, which is based on the separation of open and closed positions. Volatility in stock index futures markets (Standard &amp; Poor’s 500, DAX 30 and Nikkei 225) is related to the flow of contracts entered into the markets and the flow of contracts that are closed out. In general, the daily changes in the number of open and closed positions are both positively correlated with volatility. Additionally, there is a stronger positive relationship between the number of open (respectively, closed) positions and contemporaneous volatility on those days when t…
Pricing intraday dynamics across EUAS and CERS markets
The relative contribution of European Union Allowances (EUAs) and Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) to the price discovery of their common true value has been empirically studied using daily data with inconclusive results. In this paper, we study the short-run and long-run price dynamics between EUAs and CERs future contracts using intraday data. We report a bidirectional feedback causality relationship both in the short-run and in the long-run, with the EUA's market being the leader.