Isabel Mir
Monitoring changes in anti-tuberculosis treatment: associated factors determined at the time of diagnosis
OBJECTIVES: To determine predictive factors for changes in standard anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy at the time of diagnosis. METHODS: A prospective study was performed among tuberculosis (TB) patients treated at specialised centres during 2008-2009. Treatment outcome was monitored per standard guidelines. Treatment was considered successful if the patient was cured or completed treatment. Factors associated with treatment modification were analysed at the bivariate and multivariate levels using logistic regression. RESULTS: A total of 427 patients were included in the study. The initial standard treatment regimen was retained for 249 patients (58.3%), extended to 9 months for 36 (8.4%) and …
Eventos cardiovasculares tempranos y tardíos en pacientes ingresados por neumonía adquirida en la comunidad
Resumen Introduccion La neumonia adquirida en la comunidad se asocia al desarrollo de eventos cardiovasculares (ECV). El objetivo del estudio fue analizar los factores relativos al huesped, la gravedad y la etiologia que se asocian con la aparicion de estos eventos, tempranos y tardios, y su impacto en la mortalidad. Metodo Estudio prospectivo de cohortes multicentrico en pacientes ingresados por neumonia. Se recogieron ECV durante el ingreso, a los 30 dias (tempranos) y al ano (tardios) y la mortalidad. Resultados Doscientos dos de 1.967 (10,42%) pacientes presentaron ECV tempranos y 122 (6,64%) tardios. El 16% de la mortalidad al ano se atribuyo a complicaciones cardiovasculares. Los fact…
Early and late cardiovascular events in patients hospitalized for community-acquired pneumonia
Abstract Introduction Community-acquired pneumonia increases the risk of cardiovascular events (CVE). The objective of this study was to analyze host, severity, and etiology factors associated with the appearance of early and late events and their impact on mortality. Method Prospective multicenter cohort study in patients hospitalized for pneumonia. CVE and mortality rates were collected at admission, 30-day follow-up (early events), and one-year follow-up (late events). Results In total, 202 of 1967 (10.42%) patients presented early CVE and 122 (6.64%) late events; 16% of 1-year mortality was attributed to cardiovascular disease. The host risk factors related to cardiovascular complicatio…