Miia Malvela

Readiness for health behavior changes among low fitness men in a Finnish health promotion campaign.

Men have been a hard-to-reach population in health behavior programs and it has been claimed that they are less interested in health issues than women. However, less is known about that how ready men are to adopt new health behaviors. This study examined readiness for change in physical activity (PA) and eating behavior (EB) among low fitness and overweight working-aged Finnish men who participated in a PA campaign. Associations among perceived health knowledge, health behaviors, psychosocial factors and readiness for change were studied. Data comprised 362 men aged 18–64. Physical fitness was assessed with a body fitness index constructed on the basis of the Polar OwnIndex Test, a hand gri…

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Psychometric Properties of a Short Measure for Psychosocial Factors and Associations With Phase of Physical Activity Change Among Finnish Working-Aged Men

Insufficient physical activity (PA) and poor physical fitness are risks for several noncommunicable diseases among working-aged men. PA programs have been launched to increase activity levels in the population but working-aged men have been underrepresented in these programs. The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to evaluate validity of a short scale for psychosocial factors among Finnish working-aged men who participated in a PA campaign. The study examined also the associations between psychosocial factors and phase of PA change across fitness groups. Physical fitness was assessed with a body fitness index constructed on the basis of a handgrip test, the Polar OwnIndex Test, a…

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Changes in Psychosocial Factors and Physical Activity Among Finnish Working-Age Men in the Adventures of Joe Finn Campaign

This study evaluated changes in psychosocial factors and self-reported physical activity (PA) among the sample of Finnish men who underwent the fitness tests during the national health campaign. Another aim was to examine whether the fitness test feedback was a meaningful experience for PA change. Baseline data were collected in 2011 by fitness test and questionnaire. Men who had low/moderate fitness along with overweight ( n = 361) were recruited to the postcampaign study in 2014. Data were analyzed with nonparametric tests, logistic regression analysis, and content analysis. The postcampaign survey was completed by 102 men. Positive PA change was associated with high goals, planning skil…

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Kilpauimareiden menestymisen ja lopettamisen taustoja

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