U. Heidbüchel
Day/night changes of pineal gland volume and pinealocyte nuclear size assessed over 10 consecutive days
Previous studies aimed at elucidating day/night changes of pineal gland size and pinealocyte nuclear volume have yielded contradictory results. The aim of the present investigation was to examine the above parameters over a period of 10 successive days, at 6-hour intervals under a lighting regimen of LD 12:12 (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.). It was found that changes in pineal gland volume could not be correlated with the light/dark phases; instead, a rhythm with a two-day period was encountered. Pinealocyte nuclear volume, by contrast, showed clear circadian changes, exhibiting troughs during photophase and peaks during scotophase. In this experimental series, the karyometric results conformed to the m…
Number and size of rat thyroid C cells: No effect of pinealectomy
A method for the estimation of the size and total number of calcitonin-containing cells (C cells) in the rat thyroid gland has been devised. The total area, the number of C cells per unit area, and the areal fraction of C cells were determined for the C cell region using step serial sections. From these data it was estimated that from 0.3 X 10(6) to 1.0 X 10(6) C cells were evenly divided between the two thyroid lobes. Approximately 150 micron3 of cytoplasm were associated with each of these cells. In comparison with sham-operated rats, pinealectomy had little effect on the number of C cells. In an experiment terminated in the summer, there was a statistically insignificant decrease 6 weeks…