Samson David Antony
A Psychological Confrontation of Adolescents on Mass Media and Religious Practices, in Tamil Nadu, South India
Abstract India is an ancient, multi-cultural-religious country. The younger generations are much influenced by Mass Media in their expression of freedom, morality and religious practices, posing a challenge to combat. The question is: whether mass media always takes the Adolescents away from religious practices or does it contribute for its betterment? Hence, we intend to verify “the Psychological confrontation of the Adolescents of Tamil Nadu on mass media and religious practices” From the results of the data analysis we are given to know that the Adolescents in Tamil Nadu counterpoise European and American Experiments in the use of Mass Media.
Adolescent Sexual and Emotional Development: The Role of Romantic Relationships
Abstract The physiological processes occurring during adolescence, often so abrupt, threaten the permanence of the previously constructed sense of identity, questioning the patterns and representations that had governed the relations of the teenager with his body and with his relational systems. Although puberty is not only reduced to sexual transformations, definitions centered mainly on this aspect can be found in the literature. In fact, pubertal development is the acquisition disclosure index of adult reproductive capacity. Objective Explore the process of increasing involvement of the adolescent in an emotional and sexual relationship with a partner. Methodology: It will try to underst…
The Socio-Psychological confrontation of the Adolescents on the Impact of the Family towards Religious Practices in Tamil Culture, South India, Comparing with the Tamil Immigrants in Palermo, South Italy
Summary: The psychological conflict faced by the Adolescents in confronting Family and religious practices and individual autonomy is a complex issue. This reality exists in all social contexts. One of such ancient context is called Tamil Culture, in the southern part of India. Our research is focused on Adolescents of this ancient Tamil Cultural Context. Thus the aim of this thesis is to understand the psyche of the Adolescents of Tamil culture, in South India, comparing with Tamil immigrants from Sri Lanka living in Palermo, South Italy. We verify 3 hypotheses with the help of 4 tools, gathering data from 225 adolescents from Rural, Urban and Immigrant situation. We base this study on (i)…
Phenomenal Change And Adolescents’ Psychological Disinterest In Commitments: A Concern For The Family Traditions
The phenomenal changes such as biological, physical, social, technological and global changes, vitally affect the psychological uncertainty and pre-occupation in the minds of the adolescents. (Leckman et al., 2002, p.324). A lethargic attitude, avoidance of responsibility creeps into their system during this period, leading them to more socialising and less psychological commitments. (Jakubowski & Dembo, 2004). Researches show that Adolescents who were isolating themselves from family events and desiring only social events outside family tend to develop ‘low levels of commitment and self-regulatory resources, and they perceived their parents as being low in trust, openness, and supervision.…
The Psychological Dynamics Of Effective Teaching
In every professional field there are techniques and skills constantly developing day by day. Teaching is not merely a profession but also a passion for many as it is a sharing of the precious gift of one’s knowledge and ideas and one’s own self. ... “his heart lies in being an educator and doing something worthwhile” (Beetlestone 1998, p.IX). Hence there evolves a psychological dynamics of developing the entire person, the result of which is effective teaching. In this article we enumerate the qualities of teachers as educators, progressively making an educational presence in the lives of the students.
Mass Media And Religious Practices In The Immigrant Situation: A Challenging Developmental Psychology Encountered By The Sri Lankan Tamil Adolescents Living In Palermo, South Italy
Mass Media and Religious Practices in the immigrant situation is a challenging Developmental Psychology, encountered by the Sri Lankan Tamil Adolescents living in Palermo, South Italy. Adolescents in the modern world face a lot of challenges in the process of their growth. One of such challenges is that of the social impact of Mass Media, which manipulates and determines the individual’s decisive moments of growth. They are left with no choice but confront Mass media and personal choice of religious attitudes, and religious practices, (Cohen 2010; Kukreja 2010). The attitudes and belief-systems are built and sustained by the social structure. (Cooper and Denner 1998). In this article we adm…
Instructional Design is a wonderful tool in the hands of any Instructor, be a class teacher or a lecturer, or a professor. Having an Instructional design and knowing how to use it will make one an effective instructor (Bandura 1997). The design could be in the form of a method or a paradigm, or any cognitive frame work (Elliot and McGregor 2001; Cury et al., 2006). Each design could have its own logic, for example Clarke, Ayres, and Sweller (2005) used spreadsheet application as instructional design to teach students mathematical concepts and procedures (Ambrose et al., 2010). Here we propose a design namely Anecdote-Spin-Instructional-Design. People of every age, be it young or old or midd…