Dehydration of melt inclusions in olivine and implications for the origin of silica-undersaturated island-arc melts
Highlights • New experiments with melt inclusions in olivine at 1200 °C and 300 MPa. • Coupled behavior H2O and SiO2 in inclusions during re-hydration and dehydration. • SiO2 mobility results from formation/destruction of metal vacant olivine. • SiO2-undersaturated arc melt inclusions may originate by dehydration. • New method to assess initial H2O in dehydrated inclusions. Abstract Primary subduction-related magmas build up modern continental crust and counterbalance massive recycling of crustal material into the deep mantle occurring at this tectonic setting. Melt inclusions in Mg-rich olivine are believed to be the best probes of primary subduction-related melts. However, unexpectedly, m…
Experimental calibration and implications of olivine-melt vanadium oxybarometry for hydrous basaltic arc magmas
The strong dependence of vanadium partitioning between olivine and silicate melt (DVOl-M) on redox conditions (fO2) can be used as sensitive oxybarometer in magmatic systems. Here we extend the experimental database on DVOl-M, obtained so far at high temperatures (mainly above 1250 °C), to lower temperatures that are typical for island-arc basalts. Crystallization experiments were performed using a composition from Mutnovsky volcano (Kamchatka), and the investigated temperature, pressure, and oxygen fugacity ranges were 1025–1150 °C, 0.1 and 0.3 GPa, and ΔQFM of –0.5 to +3.2, respectively. The water content in melts ranged from 0.6 to ∼6.5 wt% H2O. The data demonstrate a strong negative cor…
Electron microprobe technique for the determination of iron oxidation state in silicate glasses
We present a new calibration for the determination of the iron oxidation state in silicate glasses by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) with the "flank method." This method is based on the changes in both intensity and wavelength of the FeLα and FeLβ X-ray emission lines with iron oxidation state. The flank method utilizes the maximum difference for the FeLα and FeLβ spectra observed at the peak flanks between different standard materials, which quantitatively correlates with the Fe2+ content. Provided that this correlation is calibrated on reference materials, the Fe2+/ΣFe ratio can be determined for samples with known total Fe content. Two synthetic Fe-rich ferric and ferrous garnet end…
High spatial resolution analysis of the iron oxidation state in silicate glasses using the electron probe
The iron oxidation state in silicate melts is important for understanding their physical properties, although it is most often used to estimate the oxygen fugacity of magmatic systems. Often high spatial resolution analyses are required, yet the available techniques, such as μrXANES and μMössbauer, require synchrotron access. The flank method is an electron probe technique with the potential to measure Fe oxidation state at high spatial resolution but requires careful method development to reduce errors related to sample damage, especially for hydrous glasses. The intensity ratios derived from measurements on the flanks of FeLα and FeLβ X-rays (FeLβf/FeLαf) over a time interval (time-depend…