Enrico Bignetti

The amelioration of olfactory acuity upon sexual maturation might affect food preferences.

Upon sexual maturation, olfactory acuity in women ameliorates and starts oscillating across the cycle. During ovulation, mean olfactory threshold is 30 times lower than during bleeding. Interestingly, menstruated women undergo maleodorant trimethylaminuria. We argued that olfactory amelioration during ovulation might concur to a mating strategy, whereas olfactory impairment during bleeding might protect women against self-refusal. Testosterone and its 17β-estradiol derivative might be responsible for the synchronization of these menstrual events. Furthermore, we posed the question whether olfactory detection amelioration upon sexual maturation might provoke a change in food preferences, for…

research product

The selection of serum-independent PC12 cells for a more-reliable manganese cytotoxicity test.

A major issue concerning the protocols of heavy metal cytotoxicity tests with PC12 cells was the hypothesis that serum in the culture medium might sequester the metal, thus altering the results obtained. However, serum withdrawal impairs the viability of PC12 cells themselves, thus impeding cytotoxicity testing in the absence of serum. In this study, we repeatedly selected undifferentiated, totally non-adherent PC12 cells in Petri dishes. Surprisingly, we discovered that these cells could survive and proliferate in serum-free medium. Moreover, features such as NGF-responsiveness, resazurin reduction potential, doubling rate, protein content, and basal caspase-3 enzyme activity, were equiva…

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