Quaternary marine and continental unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units of the NW Sicily coastal belt
In the coastal sector of NW Sicily, the regional correlation of relevant unconformities recognised within the Quaternary sedimentary successions allowed the mapping of seven unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units (UBSUs). The regional unconformities are marine or subaerial erosional surfaces, as well as non-depositional surfaces, locally marked by paleosoils. The erosional surfaces were produced from marine abrasion, surface water overland/concentrated flow, river erosion, karst solution, mass movement, or wind erosion. The main lithofacies of the Quaternary UBSUs consist of: (a) marine and coastal bioclastic calcarenites, (b) aeolian sandstones, (c) river deposits, (d) colluvial deposits…
Multidisciplinary characterization and modelling of the medium enthalpy geothermal reservoir of the Western Sicily: results from the VIGOR Project
Idrogeologia delle Madonie
A Multidisciplinary approach to define the Plio-Quaternary tectonics in the Termini Imerese Mts. (Northern central Sicily)
Geothermal exploration of shallow resources and for the deep regional assessment of Sicily: the role of geological and hydrogeological data
Western Sicily (Italy), a key area for understanding geothermal system within carbonate reservoirs.
Multidisciplinary Approach to Rainfall-Triggered Rockfalls: the Case Study of the Disaster of the Ancient Hydrothermal Sclafani Spa (Madonie Mts., Northern-Central Sicily, Italy) in 1851
Abstract. In 1851, the region of Sicily experienced many rainstorm-induced landslides. On 13 March 1851, a rainstorm brought about a severe rockfall disaster near the small town of Sclafani (Madonie Mountains, northern-central Sicily, Italy). Rocks detached from the carbonate crest of Mt. Sclafani (813 m above sea level) fell downslope, causing the collapse of the ancient hydrothermal spa (about 430 m above sea level) and burying it under their fragments. Fortunately, the event did not cause injuries or victims. Given its geological, geomorphological and structural features, the calcareous-dolomitic and carbonate-siliciclastic relief of Mt. Sclafani is extremely prone to landsliding. This s…
Biostratigraphy, Chronostratigraphy and Paleonvironmental Reconstruction of the Palermo Historical Centre Quaternary succession
Marine deposits from the Palermo Plain were historically relevant for the Quaternary Period definition. Here we show lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic data collected on three boreholes in the Palermo historical centre that recovered 36.8, 42.0 and 52.0 metres of sediments overlaying the Numidian Flysch. Marine sedimentary sequences span from the Calabrian Stage (calcareous nannofossil Zone MNN 19d) to the Middle Pleistocene (dominance of medium-sized gephyrocapsids within the MNN 19f Zone) and also include a short Holocene depositional event. Calcareous nannofossil, benthic and planktonic foraminifera assemblages point to a shallow coastal environment, possibly < …
VIGOR: Sviluppo geotermico nelle Regioni della Convergenza. Progetto VIGOR – Valutazione del Potenziale Geotermico delle Regioni della Convergenza, POI Energie Rinnovabili e Risparmio Energetico 2007-2013
Fogli 609-596, Termini Imerese-Capo Plaia
Il Servizio Geologico Nazionale ha unificato i Fogli 609 "Termini Imerese" e 596 "Capo Plaia" in un unico Foglio denominato 609/596 "Termini Imerese-Capo Plaia" allo scopo di uniformare i rilievi e raccoglierne la descrizione in un unico volume delle Note Illustrative. Il Foglio 609/596 "Termini Imerese-Capo Plaia" della Carta Geologica d’Italia in scala 1:50.000 è stato realizzato nell’ambito del Progetto CARG con i fondi della Legge 67/88 - Legge 226/99 con una convenzione tra Servizio Geologico Nazionale ora ISPRA) e Regione Siciliana. Le aree ricadono interamente nella Provincia di Palermo, comprendono la fascia marina del Golfo di Termini Imerese fino al promontorio di Capo Plaia, la r…
Water resource assessment in karst and fractured aquifers of Termini Imerese-Trabia Mts. (Northern central Sicily, Italy).
The carbonatic siliciclastic Mesozoic reliefs of Termini Imerese-Trabia Mts. (Northern central Sicily) were selected in order to investigate groundwater resources, as these fissured to karstic aquifers are used for potable water supply. These reliefs, part of the Sicilian Apennine Chain, consist of a tectonic units (deformed and emplaced during the Miocene-Pleistocene, and collapsed during the Plio-Pleistocene) mostly formed by clayey pelagic limestones (Sicilidi domain) overthrusting Meso-Cenozoic carbonate and silicoclastic rocks (Imerese Basin, Late Triassic-Early Oligocene) and terrigenous covers (Numidian Flysch, Late Oligocene-Early Miocene). The evolution of karstic network and subsu…
Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000 e note illustrative del foglio 594-585 PARTINICO-MONDELLO.
The 594-585 ”Partinico-Mondello” Map Sheet 1:50.000 includes marine and land areas of the topographic map sheet “Partinico” and “Mondello”. The map sheet “Partinico-Mondello” (Palermo Province) covers a part of the Sicily Fold and Thrust Belt (FTB) which has developed along the plate boundary between Africa and Europe in the central Mediterranean. The Sicily FTB links the African Maghrebides to the Calabrian arc and the Southern Apennines. The fTB and its submerged western and northern exten- sions are partly located between the Sardinia block and the Pelagian-Ionian sec- tor, and partly beneath the central southern Tyrrhenian Sea. In this sector of the Mediterranean area, the main compress…
Supplementary material to &quot;Multidisciplinary Approach to Rainfall-Triggered Rockfalls: the Case Study of the Disaster of the Ancient Hydrothermal Sclafani Spa (Madonie Mts., Northern-Central Sicily, Italy) in 1851&quot;
Carta geologica d'italia alla scala 1:50.000 e note illustrative del foglio 595_Palermo
The Map Sheet 1:50.000 595 ”Palermo” includes marine and land areas of the topographic map sheet “Palermo”. The map sheet “Palermo” (Palermo Province) covers a part of the Sicily Fold and Thrust Belt (FTB) which has developed along the plate boundary between Africa and Europe in the Central Mediterranean. The Sicily FTB links the African Maghrebide to the Calabrian arc and Southern Apennines. The FTB and its submerged western and northern extensions are part- ly located between the Sardinia block and the Pelagian-Ionian sector, and partly beneath the central southern Tyrrhenian Sea. In this sector of the Mediterranean area, the main compressional move- ments, after the Paleogene Alpine orog…
Contour map of the top of the regional geothermal reservoir of Sicily (Italy).
An integrated review of existing geological and geophysical data – partly acquired during oil and gas exploration – combined with new data provided by deep geothermal studies of selected key areas, was used for the 3D modeling and mapping of the top of the geothermal reservoir developed at a regional scale in Sicily (Central Mediterranean). The resulting 1:500,000 scale map covers the area of the whole Sicily (about 25,700 km2) and is devoted to represent the main input for both the thermal modeling and the evaluation of geothermal potential at a regional scale. As the map indicates the distribution at depth of a likely target for geothermal drilling, it can be also used as a rough indicato…