C. Chiaruzzi

A Procedure for the Producibility Curve Identification of a Dish-Stirling Plant, Starting from Experimental Data

This article presents a procedure for the producibility curve identification of a dish-Stirling plant, starting from experimental data. The producibility data was measured, recorded, analysed, filtered and monthly aggregated. Moreover, the incidence of the ambient temperature and of the mirrors cleaning on producibility data is highlighted and a procedure to normalize the measured data in temperature and cleaning level was developed. To provide a validation of the developed procedure the producibility curves at 25 °C have been obtained and compared with the one issued by the manufacturer. The two curves are in good agreement, presenting a maximum deviation of the 7 %.

research product

A solar assisted seasonal borehole thermal energy system for a non-residential building in the Mediterranean area

Abstract Solar heating and cooling systems are reliable and feasible solutions among renewable energy technologies. Indeed, solar thermal devices help reduce primary energy consumption and can reduce electricity demand, thus representing one of the best options for satisfying heating and/or cooling energy supply. The Borehole Thermal Energy Storage (BTES) represents one of the best promising option among the various storage technologies, because the size of the storage can be easily extended by drilling additional boreholes and simply connecting the pipes to the existing boreholes; the overall energy efficiency of this system is about 40–60%. In this paper, the authors present an applicatio…

research product

Realization of an Energetic Hub Based on a High-Performance Dish Stirling Plant

In this work the realization of an energetic hub based on a high-performances dish Stirling system, at the DEIM of the University of Palermo, is presented. The realized system is the first top rated solar thermodynamic plant directly connected to the national electric grid. The connection permits the electricity injection into the grid and allows to access to national renewable energy incentives regime. The system realization was possible thanks to an international cooperation between the University of Palermo and the private company Horizon S.r.l., official partner of Ripasso Energy AB, owner of this technology. Initial data of the plant energy production and the foreseen improvements for …

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