Giovanni Tinè

CZT-Based Harmonic Analysis in Smart Grid Using Low-Cost Electronic Measurement Boards

This paper validates the use of a harmonic analysis algorithm on a microcontroller to perform measurements of non-stationary signals in the context of smart grids. The increasing presence of electronic devices such as inverters of distributed generators (DG), power converters of charging stations for electric vehicles, etc. can drain non-stationary currents during their operation. A classical fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm may not have sufficient spectral resolution for the evaluation of harmonics and inter-harmonics. Thus, in this paper, the implementation of a chirp-Z transform (CZT) algorithm is suggested, which has a spectral resolution independent from the observation window. T…

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Un approccio semplificato per il calcolo del load flow nelle smart grids basato su misure distribuite in bassa tensione

I sistemi di misura distribuiti sono alla base delle "smart distribution grids", ove la crescente presenza di generazione distribuita e sistemi di accumulo e la conseguente transizione verso sistemi attivi rendono necessarie funzionalità avanzate di monitoraggio, controllo e gestione delle reti. In tale contesto, un elemento essenziale è l'analisi dei flussi di potenza, che, com'è noto, può essere effettuata tramite algoritmi di load flow, noti il modello della rete e le potenze generate/assorbite nei vari nodi. Per la misura di tali grandezze sulla media tensione (MT), si possono utilizzare diversi strumenti (quali phasor measurement units, smart meters, power quality analyzers), che però …

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Uncertainty evaluation in load flow analysis: real MV distribution networks case studies

This work investigates the measurement uncertainty impact on load flow analysis in medium voltage (MV) distribution networks. The considered algorithm is a simplified load flow algorithm (LFA), developed by authors, which is based on the load power measurements at each secondary substation and one voltage measurement at the slack bus (i.e. the voltage at the MV bus bars of the primary substation). In the viewpoint of a real implementation, to reduce monitoring system costs, the LFA makes use of low voltage (LV) load power measurements for all the substations except those of MV users, where MV transducers are usually already installed. The uncertainties on LFA input quantities (load powers a…

research product

An Innovative Power Line Communication solution For Medium Voltage Smart Grids Applications

This paper summarizes the authors research activity concerning the design, modeling and experimental characterization of a new coupling system for medium voltage (MV) narrow band power line communications (NB-PLC). The proposed solution has been patented by authors and it exploits the capacitive divider of voltage detecting systems (VDSs) normally used to reveal the mains voltage presence, thus avoiding the use of dedicated MV couplers. In the following, the modeling of the VDS capacitive divider is presented and the interface card design is described, based on simulation of the whole PLC transmission channel. Laboratory tests are also presented. Finally, the results are shown of an on-fiel…

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