K. Miller
Extrakorporale Stoßwellenlithotripsie (ESWL) — Physikalische und biologische Grundlagen
Sieben Jahre sind inzwischen seit der ersten humanen ESWL-Behandlung im Februar 1980 vergangen, vier Jahre seit der Inbetriebnahme der 2. ESWL-Anlage hier in Stuttgart und damit seit dem Beginn der serienmasigen Verteilung der ESWL-Technologie, zunachst in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, danach weltweit.
Constraining the spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross sections with XENON1T
We report the first experimental results on spin-dependent elastic weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) nucleon scattering from the XENON1T dark matter search experiment. The analysis uses the full ton year exposure of XENON1T to constrain the spin-dependent proton-only and neutron-only cases. No significant signal excess is observed, and a profile likelihood ratio analysis is used to set exclusion limits on the WIMP-nucleon interactions. This includes the most stringent constraint to date on the WIMP-neutron cross section, with a minimum of 6.3 × 10−42 cm2 at 30 GeV/c2 and 90% confidence level. The results are compared with those from collider searches and used to exclude new paramet…
Der Ausguß-Stein — Kontroverse Therapiekonzepte und Langzeitergebnisse
Die Extrakorporale Stoswellen-Lithotripsie ist fuhrende Behandlungsform fur die Mehrzahl der nichtabgangsfahigen Nierensteine geworden und hinsichtlich ihrer Indikationsstellung bei der Behandlung kleiner Nierenbecken — oder Kelchsteine unumstritten. Lediglich bei der Behandlung von Ausgussteinen variieren die therapeutischen Konzepte von Klinik zu Klinik teilweise noch erheblich und eine endgultige Beurteilung der verschiedenen Behandlungsprinzipien ist derzeit noch nicht sicher moglich, weil es an Langzeitbeobachtungen fehlt.
First Results on the Scalar WIMP-Pion Coupling, Using the XENON1T Experiment
We present first results on the scalar coupling of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) to pions from 1 t yr of exposure with the XENON1T experiment. This interaction is generated when the WIMP couples to a virtual pion exchanged between the nucleons in a nucleus. In contrast to most nonrelativistic operators, these pion-exchange currents can be coherently enhanced by the total number of nucleons and therefore may dominate in scenarios where spin-independent WIMP-nucleon interactions are suppressed. Moreover, for natural values of the couplings, they dominate over the spin-dependent channel due to their coherence in the nucleus. Using the signal model of this new WIMP-pion channel, …
Dark Matter Search Results from a One Ton-Year Exposure of XENON1T
We report on a search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) using 278.8 days of data collected with the XENON1T experiment at LNGS. XENON1T utilizes a liquid xenon time projection chamber with a fiducial mass of $(1.30 \pm 0.01)$ t, resulting in a 1.0 t$\times$yr exposure. The energy region of interest, [1.4, 10.6] $\mathrm{keV_{ee}}$ ([4.9, 40.9] $\mathrm{keV_{nr}}$), exhibits an ultra-low electron recoil background rate of $(82\substack{+5 \\ -3}\textrm{ (sys)}\pm3\textrm{ (stat)})$ events/$(\mathrm{t}\times\mathrm{yr}\times\mathrm{keV_{ee}})$. No significant excess over background is found and a profile likelihood analysis parameterized in spatial and energy dimensions exclude…
Two-neutron correlations at small relative momenta in ^40Ar + ^197Au collisions at 60 MeV/nucleon
Two-neutron correlation functions are measured in the 40Ar + 197Au reaction at 60 MeV/nucleon to study the space-time characteristics of neutron emitting sources. The source temperatures and velocities are deduced by fitting the single-neutron energy spectra with a three-source model. A comparison of the correlation data with the predictions of the model of moving sources and with the dynamical Landau-Vlasov model suggests the relevance of a multisource description. Particular care has been paid to the influence of the relative source abundance on the shape of the correlation function.