Ferran Gran
Results of heart retransplantation: subanalysis of the Spanish Heart Transplant Registry
Resumen Introduccion y objetivos El retrasplante cardiaco (ReTC) representa un tema controvertido actualmente. Nuestro objetivo es describir y analizar los resultados del ReTC en Espana. Metodos Analisis retrospectivo del Registro Espanol de Trasplante Cardiaco de 1984 a 2018. Se recogieron datos sobre donante, receptor, cirugia, inmunosupresion y supervivencia. La mortalidad por todas las causas o la necesidad de ReTC postrasplante fueron el objetivo principal. Se estudiaron diferencias en supervivencia segun indicacion, tiempo entre trasplantes y epoca del ReTC. Resultados Se estudiaron en total 7.592 trasplantes cardiacos (TxC) y 173 (2,3%) ReTC (mediana de edad, 52,0 y 55,0 anos respect…
Results of heart retransplantation: subanalysis of the Spanish Heart Transplant Registry
Heart retransplantation (ReHT) is controversial in the current era. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the results of ReHT in Spain. Methods We performed a retrospective cohort analysis from the Spanish Heart Transplant Registry from 1984 to 2018. Data were collected on donors, recipients, surgical procedure characteristics, immunosuppression, and survival. The main outcome was posttransplant all-cause mortality or need for ReHT. We studied differences in survival according to indication for ReHT, the time interval between transplants and era of ReHT. Results A total of 7592 heart transplants (HT) and 173 (2.3%) ReHT were studied (median age, 52.0 and 55.0 years, respectively…