Igor Píš

Platinum-doped CeO2 thin film catalysts prepared by magnetron sputtering.

The interaction of Pt with CeO(2) layers was investigated by using photoelectron spectroscopy. The 30 nm thick Pt doped CeO(2) layers were deposited simultaneously by rf-magnetron sputtering on a Si(001) substrate, multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) supported by a carbon diffusion layer of a polymer membrane fuel cell and on CNTs grown on the silicon wafer by the CVD technique. The synchrotron radiation X-ray photoelectron spectra showed the formation of cerium oxide with completely ionized Pt(2+,4+) species, and with the Pt(2+)/Pt(4+) ratio strongly dependent on the substrate. The TEM and XRD study showed the Pt(2+)/Pt(4+) ratio is dependent on the film structure.

research product

Surface investigation and aluminum oxide estimation on test filters for the ATHENA X-IFU and WFI detectors

The ATHENA mission provides the demanded capabilities to address the ESA science theme "Hot and Energetic Universe". Two complementary instruments are foreseen: the X-IFU (X-ray Integral Field Unit) and WFI (Wide Field Imager). Both the instruments require filters to avoid that the IR radiation heats the X-IFU cryogenic detector and to protect the WFI detector from UV photons. Previous experience on XMM filters recommends to employ bilayer membrane consisting of aluminum deposited on polyimide. In this work, we use the X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) to quantify the native aluminum oxide thickness that affects the spectral properties of the filter. The estimation of the oxide thickne…

research product

Temperature effects on the performances of the ATHENA X-IFU thermal filters

The X-Ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) detector on-board ATHENA is an array of TES micro-calorimeters that will operate at ~50 mK. In the current investigated design, five thermal filters (TF) will be mounted on the cryostat shields to attenuate IR radiative load and avoid energy resolution degradation due to photon shot noise. Each filter consists of a thin polyimide film (~50 nm thick) coated with aluminum (~30 nm thick). Since the TF operate at different temperatures in the range 0.05-300 K, it is relevant to study how temperature affects their mechanical/optical performances (e.g. near edge absorption fine structures of the atomic elements in the filter material). Such results are crucia…

research product