Barbara Lanza
BioAnalysis: A Framework for Structural and Functional Robustness Analysis of Metabolic Networks
The main objective of this work is to analyze metabolic networks evolution in terms of their robustness and fault tolerance capabilities. In metabolic networks, errors can be seen as random removal of network nodes, while attacks are high-connectivity-degree node deletion aimed at compromising network activity. This paper proposes a software framework, namely BioAnalysis, used to test the robustness and the fault tolerance capabilities of real metabolic networks, when mutations and node deletions affect the network structure. The performed simulations are related to the central metabolic network of the well-known E. coli single-celled bacterium and involve either hub nodes or non-hub nodes,…
Metabolic networks are composed of several functional modules, reproducing metabolic pathways and describing the entire cellular metabolism of an organism. In the last decade, an enormous interest has grown for the study of tolerance to errors and attacks in metabolic networks. Studies on their robustness have suggested that metabolic networks are tolerant to errors, but very vulnerable to targeted attacks against highly connected nodes. However, many findings on metabolic networks suggest that the above classification is too simple and imprecise, since hub node attacks can be by-passed if alternative metabolic paths can be exploited. On the contrary, non-hub nodes attacks can affect cell …
An Embedded Processor for Metabolic Networks Optimization
In recent years biological processes modelling and simulation have become two key issues in analyzing complex cellular systems. The computational requirements suggest to investigate alternative solutions to the common supercomputers and clusters in order to optimize and overcome computational bottleneck. The goal of this work is the design and the realization of an embedded processor for metabolic networks optimization in order to examine their behaviour and robustness under malfunctions of one or more nodes. The embedded processor has been prototyped on the Celoxica RC203E board, equipped with programmable FPGA technologies. A case studied outlining the E. Coli bacteria metabolic network i…