Timo Kosonen
Kotelosienet : Ascomycota
Monitoring fungal biodiversity – towards an integrated approach
Biodiversity information databases and platforms have seen considerable progress in recent years. They have a high potential in conservation science in general, but may be even more revolutionary in relation to poorly known species groups such as fungi, whose practical conservation work has been jeopardised by scattered and poorly controlled information. We review the tradition of collecting information on species occurrences in mycology and discuss the characteristics of the present fungal biodiversity information databases. With a special focus on population trend monitoring of fruit body producing macrofungi, we emphasise several unrealised opportunities of these databases and point out …
Ekologien ja systemaatikkojen yhteistyö tuottaa uutta tietoa kotelosienilajistosta
New national and regional biological records for Finland 5. Contributions to agaricoid and ascomycetoid taxa of fungi 4
One genera of agaricoid fungi (Basidiomycota): Romagnesiella and 12 species are reported as new to Finland: Agaricus macrocarpus, Arrhenia obatra, Arrhenia obscurata, Arrhenia rigidipes, Coprinellus brevisetulosus, Coprinus candidatus, Entoloma plebejum, Hydnum vesterholtii, Inocybe phaeocystidiosa, Mycena clavata, Omphalina arctica and Romagnesiella clavus. Two genera of ascomycetoid fungi (Ascomycota): Strossmayeria, Phaeomollisia and 8 species are reported as new to Finland: Arachnopeziza delicatula, Hyaloscypha diabolica, Hyalopeziza cf. tianschanica, Phaeomollisia piceae, Phialina pseudopuberula, Sphaeropezia hepaticarum, Strossmayeria basitricha and Trichopeziza subsulphurea. Informat…
Local forest continuity – important for species-rich Micarea lichen communities, but less so for decomposers
Effects of local forest continuity on the diversity of fungi on standing dead pines
Human-induced fragmentation affects forest continuity, i.e. availability of a suitable habitat for the target species over a time period. The dependence of wood-inhabiting fungi on landscape level continuity has been well demonstrated, but the importance of local continuity has remained controversial. In this study, we explored the effects of local forest continuity (microhabitat and stand level) on the diversity of wood-inhabiting fungi on standing dead trunks of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). We studied species richness and community composition of decomposers and Micarea lichens on 70 trunks in 14 forests in central Finland that differed in their state of continuity. We used dendrochr…
Local forest continuity – important for species-rich Micarea lichen communities, but less so for decomposers
Fragmentation has a negative effect on forest continuity, i.e. availability of a suitable habitat for the target species over a time period (1). The dependence of wood-inhabiting fungi on landscape level continuity is well acknowledged, but the role of local continuity has remained unclear. We explored the effects of local forest continuity (microhabitat and stand level) on the diversity of fungi inhabiting standing dead trunks of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Specifically, we studied the species richness and community composition of decomposers and Micarea lichens. The study included 70 trunks in 14 forests in central Finland with varying state of continuity. We assessed the detailed h…