Tiina Hemminki

Dissertations in economic and business history in Nordic countries in 2016

The discussion article by Ekberg and Jes Iversen in this number of the Scandinavian Economic History Review raises a number of important questions on the present state of business history research in the Nordic countries. To a certain extent, these concerns are generalisable to the wider economic history community in the Nordic countries, especially as regards the lack of relevant teaching and challenges in recruitment. Ekberg and Iversen suggest that a possible solution might be to intensify Nordic collaboration. Time and again the need for such collaboration has been raised as an issue, also on the pages of this journal (Ojala & Sogner, 2015). Nevertheless, the wake-up call by Ekberg and …

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Tutkijan luovat ruuhkavuodet?

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Ilmajoen ja Nordmalingin talonpoikien varallisuuden ja luottosuhteiden vertailu perukirjojen mukaan vuosina 1796-1830

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Seppä Hermanni Kaitlinin velkasuhteet 1800-luvun alun maaseudulla

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Increase in diversity: Nordic dissertations 2014–2018

This issue of the Scandinavian Economic History Review features a list of dissertations published in the Nordic countries in 2017 and 2018 (Appendix). As in our previous surveys (Ojala, Hemminki & ...

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Vauraus, luotto, luottamus : talonpoikien lainasuhteet Pohjanlahden molemmin puolin 1796-1830

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Velka on veli maksettaessakin

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Att skapa och upprätthålla förtroendeförhållanden i vardagen

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Experiencing and Encountering Impoverishment in Nineteenth-Century Finland

Abstract The nineteenth century in Finland was characterized by significant societal changes. Since 1809 a Grand Duchy of imperial Russia, Finland began to transform from an early modern society of estates to a modern civic society. The end of the nineteenth century was characterized by significant economic growth. Despite this general development, for many people this era signaled impoverishment and downward mobility that affected even the next generations. A fresh look at the economic threats on various societal layers is called for. In this theme issue we are concerned with socially varying dimensions of destitution, its manifestations, and the ways in which it was experienced and repell…

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Vauraus, luotto, luottamus. Talonpoikien lainasuhteet Pohjanlahden molemmin puolin 1796–1830: Lectio praecursoria 1.10.2014

FM Tiina Hemmingin Suomen historian väitöskirja Vauraus, luotto, luottamus. Talonpoikien lainasuhteet Pohjanlahden molemmin puolin tarkastettiin 1.10.2014 Jyväskylän yliopistossa. Vastaväittäjänä toimi dosentti Kari-Matti Piilahti Helsingin yliopistosta ja kustoksena professori Jari Ojala Jyväskylän yliopistosta.

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Towards open access

In accordance with the rotation principle of the Journal, our four-year term for editing the Scandinavian Economic History Review is coming to an end. It is time to pass the Journal on to the capab...

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Defending dissertations on economic history

In most disciplines, the number, quality and topics of doctoral dissertations afford useful information on the state of affairs in research and formal graduate education. Moreover, dissertations ma...

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