Sergejs Paramonovs

Starptautiskās lidostas Rīga attīstību ietekmējošo faktoru analīze

Maģistra darba „Starptautiskās lidostas „Rīga” attīstību ietekmējošo faktoru analīze” mērķis ir izpētīt Starptautiskās lidostas „Rīga” attīstību ietekmējošos faktorus un novērtēt pasažieru apmierinātību ar tās pakalpojumiem. Maģistra darbā pirmajā nodaļā analizēta aviācijas nozares attīstības teorētiskā bāze, tas ir, aviācijas un lidlauku nozīme tautsaimniecības attīstībā, kā arī aviācijas uzņēmumu darbību ietekmējošo faktoru teorētiskie aspekti. Autors apskatīja patērētāju (pasažieru) apmierinātību kā vienu no svarīgākajiem aviācijas jomas attīstības faktoriem. Nodaļas ietvaros autors apkopoja pazīstamo pētnieku rakstus, uz kuru pamata aktualizēja pasažieru apmierinātības aspektus Starptau…

research product

Factor Analysis of Passengers’ Satisfaction at “RIGA International Airport”

Abstract The aim of the paper is to determine complex factors influencing passengers’ satisfaction at RIGA International Airport (Latvia). Theoretical evidence was examined and factor analysis was carried out to identify the main groups of factors affecting passengers’ satisfaction at the Airport. The findings of the study show that the most important five factors affecting it are: (1) availability of telecommunications, (2) effective way finding signs, (3) cleanliness of restrooms, (4) courtesy of staff and (5) availability of staff. The results based on this study will help airport managers in the Baltic Sea region to better serve their passengers through introduction of modern technologi…

research product

The Role of Marketing Tools in the Improvement of Consumers Financial Literacy

Abstract The aim of the paper is to explore the contribution of different types of marketing communication in consumer financial literacy formation from a three component perspective. As a method a survey among the target audience of home loans was used. The authors have focused on consumer financial knowledge, financial behaviour and financial attitude that constitute financial literacy in home loan market. As a result of empirical analysis the authors have found that the biggest contribution to formation of consumers financial literacy (within all three components) have educational web sites of government authorities, official web sites of banks, consultations with bank specialists, schoo…

research product

RIGA International Airport development in Baltic Sea region aviation industry context

In the paper the authors examined key Latvian economy indicators, specifically focusing on trends in development of aviation industry development. In particular, also attention was paid to passengers and cargo volume transportation dynamics, as well as to RIGA International Airport Development Plan through the year 2036. The authors compared operations of RIGA International Airport with available data from other leading Baltic Sea Region airports, specifically within 300 kilometres zone. Another requirement was, a competing airport had to be in the TOP 100 airports globally to be considered. KEY WORDS: RIGA International Airport, Baltic sea region, development plan. JEL CODES: M160, R110, R…

research product

Expert In-depth Interview on Development and Efficiency of “RIGA International Airport” Reflecting Factors

Abstract The aim of the paper is to identify development ways and effectiveness of RIGA International Airport. Theoretical evidence was examined and expert in-depth interview was carried out to explore the main circumstances affecting RIGA International Airport functioning. Findings of the study show that there are positive tendencies in the field of airport efficiency and development, but improvement is needed primarily for coordinating visions and resources managed by both state and airport administration bodies.

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