Parentage verification of Valle del Belice dairy sheep using microsatellite markers
The objectives of the present work were to evaluate polymorphism of microsatellite markers, develop a parentage test and estimate misidentification rate on Valle del Belice Sicilian dairy sheep breed. Polymorphism was evaluated from 184 randomly selected animals from 5 different flocks. A total of 21 microsatellite markers including CSRD247, ILST011, McM527, APO010, INRA132, DU194351, DU323541, FCB128, McM16, OarCP49, ILST087, DU223896, ILST005, TCRVB06, SPS113A, INRA063A, SPS115, DU206192, DU216028, BM827 and McM54 were amplified using three PCR reactions and fragment lengths determined in a single multiplex electrophoresis run. Markers were easily genotyped, very polymorphic and in Hardy-…