Militello V.

L'armonizzazione dei reati in Europa fra 'parabola' e 'piano inclinato': il caso della incriminazione dell'organizzazione criminale

After recalling Alessandro Bernardi's contribution to the diffusion in Italy of attention to the issues of European criminal law, the contribution examines the gap between programmes and achievements in the harmonisation of European criminal law systems. According to a first approach, it has traced a sort of parabola, which is now in a downward phase. In this regard, the incrimination of criminal organisations is taken as a test case for assessing European criminal law harmonisation. A critical review is then made of the deficits in the creation of a common basis for combating criminal organisations, highlighting certain trends in the adaptation of Member States to the standards set by the …

research product

Los tráficos ilícitos en el Mediterráneo y las organizaciones poli-criminales transnacionales

After a general overview on the movements in the Mediterranean between yesterday and today, the contribution underlines the emergence of poly-criminal organizations in this area. On the basis of the consideration of the different types of criminals organisations operating in the Mediterranean, reference is made to the results of a related research on five penal systems (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Greek).. El estudio abordado hace referencia a la presencia en el Mediterráneo de los tráficos ilícitos, y sobre el papel protagonista que en estos componentes ocultos de la movilidad y de la globalización juegan las organizaciones criminales transnacionales. Estos dos aspectos se enfrentan a…

research product

Zur Trennung von Unrecht und Schuld im Strafrecht: Sinn und Grenzen in der italienischen Strafrechtswissenschaft

Il lavoro esamina la tenuta della distinzione fra illecito e colpevolezza nel sistema penale italiano, alla luce di un confronto critico con la teoria delle norme che ne viene talvolta indicata come presupposto necessario. Der Beitrag untersucht die Unterscheidung zwischen Unrecht und Schuld im italienischen Strafrechtssystem im Lichte eines kritischen Vergleichs mit der Theorie der Normen, die manchmal als notwendige Voraussetzung dafür angegeben wird.

research product


The intertwining between individual and collective level in international crimes is tested on the possible co-responsibility of corporations and heads of businesses who carry out economic activities in various ways functional to the commission of such crimes by the military or political leaders of a group or a state. On the basis of the principle of self-responsibility, related to the individual criminal responsibility (art. 25 Rome Statute), the consequent assessment of the facts in question is easier for business activities directly instrumental to violent acts. It is more problematic, in- stead, for ordinary business activities, which therefore appear neutral and unrelated to the illicit…

research product

Il contrasto al finanziamento al terrorismo. Studio comparato sull'implementazione degli strumenti dell'Unione Europea

Research on terrorism financing in 11 European Law Systems,

research product

I nuovi volti del sistema penale: fra cooperazione pubblico-privato e meccanismi di integrazione fra hard law e soft law

La partnership pubblico-privato e l’integrazione tra hard e soft law hanno rappresentato negli ultimi anni, anche nel nostro ordinamento, la cifra del contrasto alla criminalità economica. Il volume affronta le implicazioni penalistiche di questa strategia di contrasto, focalizzando l’attenzione sul tema della responsabilità degli enti ma dedicando spazio altresì a settori di disciplina (riciclaggio, reati tributari e ambientali, abuso d’ufficio etc.) progressivamente interessati da questo approccio alla prevenzione e repressione dei fenomeni criminosi di cui si tratta. Public-private partnerships and the integration of hard and soft law have represented in recent years, also in our legal s…

research product