Passolunghi Mc
La rappresentazione delle informazioni fonologiche relative ai numeri nei bambini con difficoltà aritmetiche.
Naming speed, automatic inhibition and effortful inhibition in a working memory task in children with arithmetic learning difficulties.
We report a study aimed at investigating rate of access to numerical and non-numerical information in long-term memory and functioning of automatic and effortful cognitive inhibition processes in children with Arithmetical Learning Disabilities (ALD). A group of children with ALD, of age 10,3 years, and a group of gender-age-matched controls were involved in the study. Rate of access was measured through digit- and letter- naming tasks, automatic cognitive inhibition was measured using a negative priming paradigm, and effortful cognitive inhibition was measured rating intrusion errors in the well known Daneman and Carpenter’s (1980) working memory task. No evidence for dysfunction of the au…