Margaux Vales
Aborted quantitative study in the French music industry: the changes of music labels facing streaming
International audience; This paper shows a failed case study of the impact of streaming on labels’ life through the exploitation of three quantitative databases. Streaming is a major external change for the music consumption and music producers. As labels are dealing with both producers and consumers, they may have been hardly impacted by this change. Yet there was a need to identify the changes that streaming brought and its impact for the organizations that decided not to adopt it. The ecology of population framework and the death vs dynamism dyad was supposed to give a clear reading of this phenomenon. In order to identify labels that did not adopt streaming, three databases were tested,…
Un programme doctoral hors-les-murs : le cas du CEFAG
National audience
Refuser l’innovation : oui, mais pourquoi ?
Présentation lors de la Table Ronde « La face cachée de l’innovation » du jeudi 04.06.2020. La conférence AIMS 2020 a eu lieu en ligne.; International audience; Le travail doctoral de Margaux Vales sur le refus d’innovation de certains labels de musique (notamment), cherchera à tempérer la réification de l’innovation, en montrant que toutes les organisations ne sont pas enclines à innover. Cette présentation alimentera aussi le débat autour du diptyque : innovation et tradition
Quels impacts des mutations digitales sur le secteur du spectacle vivant ? État des lieux des recherches scientifiques
Negative responses to strategic innovation, a case study of record labels facing streaming
Record labels are organizations in charge of phonographic production at the interface between musicians and the audience. Since the arrival of digital technologies such as the mp3 and the Internet, record labels have had to adapt to several changes: wider distribution channels, dematerialized competitors, customers’ demands for free music, more ephemeral cooperation. Specifically, streaming platforms like Spotify brought a major change known as a strategic innovation. A strategic innovation is a strong change that overturns all previously established values in the sector (renewal of values attached to the product, values attached to the customer relationship and power relations). However, f…
Chapitre 12 : Un programme doctoral hors-les-murs : le cas du CEFAG
Si de nombreux supports d’accompagnement méthodologique existent, l’expérience de la thèse en elle-même est finalement peu documentée. Il s’agit ici de proposer un ensemble de contributions comme autant de retours d’expériences de la thèse par des jeunes docteurs.Cet ouvrage interroge à la fois l’idée même de faire une thèse, les difficultés à définir un sujet qui contribuera à la fois à la connaissance théorique et permettra de dégager des implications managériales actionnables. Il met en perspective les questionnements partagés par de nombreux doctorants ou futurs doctorants concernant la collecte et l’analyse de données, mais aussi l’entrée en communauté du chercheur. Il illustre ces thè…
Understanding the impact of digital on performing arts: a systematic literature review proposal
Digital technologies have profoundly changed the cultural and creative industries. Due to the intrinsic characteristics of the performing arts sector, this digital transition has had a later impact on it. However, it has accelerated since the Covid-19 pandemic, forcing organizations to digitally transform themselves to keep in touch with their audience(s). Now that this crisis is over, many strategic and operational questions still remain unanswered. This research proposes a systematic literature review in order to establish the state of the art of the research on digitalization of the performing arts sector and to highlight the main research avenues to be explored.
Describing a network using the ‘Resource-Competences, Organizations, Value’ Business Model
International audience; The network literature reveals some trouble to reconciliate the ambivalence between individual and collective goals inside a network. The purpose of this research is to develop a tool to identify key insights of a network and associated organizations. In particular, following the Resource-Competencies Organization Value (RCOV) framework, this study identifies the contributions of each organization inside a network. Knowing the responsibility of each organization in their network’s strength and tensions could help to solve those ambivalences. Applied to a network, the Demil and Lecocq‘s (2010) RCOV Business Model, could reveal key inputs of a network that each organiz…