Markku Sippola
Nordic subsidiaries in the Baltic States: is model transfer possible?
PurposeThis research seeks to ask to what extent model transfer in employee relations (in terms of employee representation, participation and workplace bargaining) occurs between Nordic and Baltic countries from the principal firm to the subsidiary. It also looks into explanations as to why model transfer occurs – or does not occur – from the perspective of the Nordic industrialist's labour management strategy.Design/methodology/approachThis is a case study comprising three clothing manufacturers and three engineering shops in different Baltic States: Estonia (population 1.4 million), Latvia (2.3 million) and Lithuania (3.4 million). These production sites have headquarters in three Nordic …
Overcoming Barriers to Transnational Organizing Through Identity Work : Finnish-Estonian Trade Union Cooperation
This article analyses a project by Finnish and Estonian unions to adopt ‘organizing model’ strategies through establishing the transnational ‘Baltic Organising Academy’. Initially aimed at Estonian workplaces, successful campaigns inspired Finnish unions to copy the model in Finland. This cooperation was originally motivated by labour market interdependence between the two countries, and the failure of past social-partnership oriented union strategies in Estonia. The willingness of Finnish and Estonian unions to commit resources to transnational cooperation around an ‘organizing model’ marks a dramatic departure from the unions’ previous strategies. This change was accomplished by transnati…
Integraatiopolitiikalla halvennettu työ : lähetetyt työntekijät EU:n "vapaiden" työmarkkinoiden armoilla
Maahanmuuttajat suomalaisilla työmarkkinoilla : intersektionaalisuus ja "hyvä kansalainen" työmarkkina-aseman määrittäjänä
Tämä artikkeli tarkastelee maahanmuuttajavaltaisilla rakennus- ja palvelusektoreilla työskentelevien maahanmuuttajien elämäntarinoita ja heidän kokemuksiaan Suomesta. Työmarkkinoiden eriarvoisuutta ei voida täysin selittää segmentaatio- ja segregaatioteorioiden kautta. Esitämme, että intersektionaalisuuden teoria – eli analyysi risteävistä eroista - tarjoaa mahdollisuuden ymmärtää heterogeenisen maahanmuuttajajoukon työmarkkina-asemaa monisyisemmin. Aineistomme koostuu EU-kansalaisten ja EU - ja ETA – alueiden ulkopuolisten ihmisten elämäkertatarinoista. Eri asemistaan huolimatta haastateltavilla esiintyy vahvaa työn tekemisen korostamista. Tarkastelemme heidän asemoitumistaan yhtäältä Brid…
A low road to investment and labour management? : the labour process at Nordic subsidiaries in the Baltic States
The two faces of Nordic management? Nordic firms and their employee relations in the Baltic States
This study examines Nordic management styles in union and non-union industrial enterprises in the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) through case studies of nine Nordic subsidiary companies, based on on-site interviews with management and employees.1 This analysis construes the ‘Nordic model’ of management style as ‘bargained constitutional’ or ‘sophisticated consultative’, following Purcell and Ahlstrand's (1994) matrix of management styles in the highly unionized countries of origin, characterized as coordinated market economies. The case studies reveal that in the Baltic liberal-market environment, Nordic employers exhibit a variety of management styles, ranging from sophisticate…
Locked in Inferiority? : The Positions of Estonian Construction Workers in the Finnish Migrant Labour Regime
Abstract The aim of this article is to analyse how different policies and actors have structured the current migrant labour regime in the Finnish construction sector and to discuss the consequences for migrants. Our study shows that a strong industrial relations system such as in Finland is able to curb the posting of workers regime (the most disadvantageous for migrant workers). The position of labour migrants has become more diverse in the segmented labour market, although it remains inferior compared to that of the natives. Consideration of the policy development revolving around the changing migrant labour regimes constitutes the first part of the analysis and is based on government and…