G.d. Alton
Electron–cyclotron–resonance plasma heating with broadband microwave radiation: Anomalous effects
Abstract Affects of microwave bandwidth on the high-charge-states of ion beams extracted from a conventional minimum- B -geometry ECR ion source are first demonstrated. The high-charge-state intensities, produced with broadband microwave radiation are observed to be factors ⩾2 than those produced with narrow bandwidth microwave radiation at the same power level.
Electron heating with broadband microwave radiation: A new method for improving the performances of conventional B-minimum electron cyclotron resonance ion sources
Abstract The charge-state enhancing effects of broadband microwave radiation are demonstrated by comparing the charge-state distributions and intensities of Arq+ ion beams, extracted from a conventional B-minimum geometry, 6.4 GHz ECR ion source, when operated with traveling-wave-tube (TWT) amplified microwave signals generated, respectively, from a “white” noise generator (WNG, bandwidth: 200 MHz) and a conventional narrow-bandwidth local oscillator (LO, bandwidth: ∼1.5 MHz). Clear enhancement (factors > 2) is obtained for high-charge-state Ar ion beam intensities, produced with broadband radiation, over those obtained with narrow-bandwidth radiation at the same power level. The high-charg…