Gema Albort-morant


Linking market orientation, innovation and performance: an empirical study on small industrial enterprises in Spain

Many studies uphold market orientation as a key factor in creating and sustaining a firm’s competitive advantage. The present research model explores this topic further by including within the model the links between organizations’ innovation outcomes and business performance. In particular, the model empirically tests the mediating role of innovation outcomes in the relationship between market orientation and business performance. The present study uses a sample of 145 firms belonging to the Spanish automotive components manufacturing sector, which is essentially composed of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). In order to test and validate our research model and hypotheses, this stu…

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How useful are incubators for new entrepreneurs?

This study examines profiles of incubator tenants who provide the most positive evaluations of the use of advisory services and support from incubators. The study presents an application of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to a sample of 54 incubator tenants in Valencia, Spain. The study examines how entrepreneurs' age, gender, education and training, work experience, and family background affect the utility of advice and support from experts at the incubator. The results of the research inform that the incubator tenants who find the services of incubators most useful are young, have good studies, have professional experience, and have family experience.

research product

A bibliometric analysis of international impact of business incubators

This study seeks to observe trends in literature on business incubators. The article presents a bibliometric analysis of 445 studies on business incubators. These works come from the Web of Science database for the period 1985–2015. The study sorts these articles according to the following bibliographic indicators: eminent authors, year of publication, countries with the highest rate of productivity, journal with most published research, language, type of research, and research area. This analysis provides insight into the nature and trends of research on business incubators. The results of the analysis reveal the lack of articles on business incubators and highlight the fragmented nature o…

research product

<b>Capacidad de absorción del conocimiento y resultados de la innovación: un estudio empírico en empresas españolas del sector de la automoción</b> - DOI: 10.5102/un.gti.v5i2.3618

Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un estudio sobre capacidad de absorcion del conocimiento y resultados de innovacion en una muestra de empresas espanolas pertenecientes al sector de fabricantes de componentes para la automocion. El modelo e hipotesis de investigacion han sido empiricamente testados mediante la tecnica Partial Least Squares (PLS).

research product

<b>Impacto internacional del crowdsourcing como nuevo topic de interés en el campo científico del emprendimiento: análisis bibliométrico del periodo 2008-2015</b> - DOI: 10.5102/un.gti.v5i2.3619

Durante el periodo 2008-2015, el crowdsourcing ha ido evolucionado considerablemente como solucion a la falta de financiacion de un proyecto. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la evolucion de la literatura en el campo del crowdsourcing. Mediante un analisis bibliometrico se analiza el progreso de 1040 publicaciones sobre crowdsourcing de la base de datos Web of Science (WOS), desde la publicacion del primer documento en 2008 hasta enero de 2015. Los resultados obtenidos destacan un creciente numero de publicaciones acerca del crowdsourcing, asi como un predominio de investigadores estadounidenses.

research product

The Development of ICTs and the Introduction of Entrepreneurial Capital

Building on an extensive literature review, this article presents a conceptual study of the relationships between information and communication technologies (ICTs) and intellectual capital (IC), placing special emphasis on entrepreneurial capital. IC comprises human capital, structural capital, and relational capital. Relational capital consists of two sub-components: social capital and organizational capital. Human capital’s main elements are knowledge, experience, and education. Knowledge is a fundamental resource for any organization (Baden-Fuller & Pitt, 1996; Grant, 1996; Spender, 1996). Entrepreneurial capital was recently introduced as a component of human capital (Audretsch & Keilba…

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