Data analytics in banks' audit: The case of loan loss provisions in Uruguay
Abstract The purpose of this study is two-fold: firstly, to analyze the benefits of implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and using eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) format to report in the banking industry considering the industry's specific risks and complexities. Secondly, to show that both, ERP and XBRL are necessary to successfully use Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs) while performing audit procedures to verify the compliance of certain crucial regulatory requirements. The study shows the possible consequences of not using CAATs to audit the compliance of loan loss provisions' regulatory requirements in Uruguay.
Understanding the determinants of the magnitude of entity-level risk and account-level risk key audit matters: The case of the United Kingdom
Abstract This study was conducted to analyse the influence of auditor and client characteristics on the magnitude and type of key audit matters (KAM) disclosed in the audit reports of the FTSE 100 companies in the UK during the period 2013–2016. A recently introduced standard requires auditors to reveal the main risks faced by the client and to describe how these are addressed in the audit. Our results show that Deloitte, EY and KPMG tend to report fewer entity-level-risk KAM (ELRKAM) than PwC, while KPMG and BDO report fewer account-level-risk KAM (ALRKAM) than PwC. In general, auditors of companies that pay higher audit services fees present more ELRKAM and fewer ALRKAM. Our findings also…
Complaints management and bank risk profile
Abstract This study investigates Spanish financial institutions' (FIs') propensity to amend and rectify errors deriving from complaints that financial services' users file with the Spanish regulator Complaints Service and how this propensity relates to FIs' risk profile. Under the theory that risk management system of a FI includes reputation risk, this study finds that FIs with higher amendment ratio are inefficient, have high liquidity, are highly profitable in the banking business and are sensitive to market risk while FIs that tend to rectify errors have lower loan loss provisions booked and have larger loan portfolios. Both tend to issue a sustainability report. Findings shed light on …
Independencia en auditoría. En pro de la defensa del interés público
A lo largo de la historia se han producido escándalos financieros que han puesto de manifiesto las terribles consecuencias que la falta de independencia del auditor tiene sobre la defensa del interés público. En el presente trabajo analizamos, desde un punto de vista reflexivo y crítico, las consecuencias de dos casos de gran relevancia como son Enron y Bankia. A pesar de que ambos casos se produjeron en países distintos (EE. UU. y España) la gran repercusión internacional, política y mediática de los mismos nos ha servido como plataforma para llegar a un mensaje mucho más profundo en el que reclamamos la importancia de la auditoría, especialmente de la buena auditoría, lo que supone su eje…
Las cuestiones clave de auditoría esperadas en España: ¿son los auditores previsibles?
La modificación del contenido del informe de auditoria responde a la aplicación de la exigencia impuesta por el art. 5 de la Ley de Auditoria y concretada por la NIA-ES 701 “Cuestiones clave de auditoria” (CCA) (ICAC, 2016). Como novedad se exige al auditor que, atendiendo a su juicio profesional, muestre en el informe los riesgos más significativos de la auditoría de la empresa y las respuestas a esos riesgos. Debido a que dentro del entorno europeo, el Reino Unido ya viene informando de dichos riesgos desde 2013 y que en España todavía no disponemos de los mismos, hemos planteado esta investigación. El objetivo es pronosticar el nivel de CCA que previsiblemente nos encontraremos en España…
Financial Risk Management and Sustainability
In the last decades, the studies that analyze the links between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in developed countries show mixed and inconclusive results, so additional research is required [...]
Stress test impact and bank risk profile: Evidence from macro stress testing in Europe
Abstract This study investigates the risk profile of banks that get a significant capital level reduction in the EU-wide stress test exercises. Using the CAMELS multifaceted risk approach, we look into the connection between the bank risk factors and the macro stress testing impact on capital. The results show that financial institutions that are inefficient or complex, with low profitability levels and small loan portfolio, receive highly negative results in the stress tests. As this risk profile is not consistent over time, the results support the stress tests disciplinary role, suggesting risk management strategy adjustment through consideration of prior stress test outcomes.
Financial institutions’ risk profile and contribution to the sustainable development goals
This study analyses the impact of Spanish financial institutions’ risk profile on their contribution to the 2030 Agenda. Financial institutions play a significant role in ensuring financial inclusion and sustainable economic growth and usually incorporate environmental and social considerations into their risk management systems. The results show that financial institutions with less capital risk, with lower management efficiency and with higher market risk usually make higher contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to their sustainability reports. The novel aspect of the present study is that it identifies the risk profile of financial institutions that incorpo…