Peter Fettke
Multiperspective Evaluation of Reference Models – Towards a Framework
Within the information systems field, reference models have been known for many years. Despite the relevance of reference model quality, little research has been done on their systematic evaluation. Based on an analysis of prior work on reference model quality, we propose a framework for the multiperspective evaluation of reference models. The framework comprises 15 perspectives. Each perspective is discussed with respect to its strengths and limitations. As well, we provide examples of the types of research that have already been undertaken on each perspective.
Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
Unified Modeling Language
Mature engineering disciplines are generally characterized by accepted methodical standards for describing all relevant artifacts of their subject matter. Such standards not only enable practitioners to collaborate, but they also contribute to the development of the whole discipline. In 1994, Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson joined together to unify the plethora of existing object-oriented systems engineering approaches at semantic and notation level (Booch, 2002; Fowler, 2004; Rumbaugh, Jacobson, & Booch, 1998). Their effort led to the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a well-known, general-purpose, tool-supported, process-independent, and industry-standardized modeling lang…
Business Process Reference Models: Survey and Classification
Within the Information Systems field, reference models are well-known for many years. The aim of this paper is to survey and to describe reference models for business processes. Our analysis of 30 process reference models is based on a framework consisting of criteria such as application domain, used process modeling languages, model's size, known evaluations and applications of process reference models. Furthermore, we identify model domains, which have been dealt with, describe similarities and differences between the available process reference models, and point to open research questions.
Zur Identifikation von Strukturanalogien in Datenmodellen
On the one hand, data models decrease the complexity of information system development. On the other hand, data models causes additional complexity. Recently structural analogies are discussed as instruments reducing the complexity of data models. This piece of research presents a procedure to identify structural analogies in data models and demonstrates its performance by analyzing Scheer’s reference model for industrial enterprises (Y-CIM-model). The proposed procedure is based on formalizing data models within set theory and uses a quantitative similarity measure. The obtained results show both identical and very similar information structures within the Y-CIM-model. Furthermore, ways of…
Classification of reference models: a methodology and its application
Classification is an important tool for perception and can be found in numerous scientific disciplines. Several application areas of classification are described in the context of information modeling. The usefulness of classification for reuse resp. selection of reference models is emphasized. A methodology to systematically create classification systems will be introduced. Furthermore, a classification system for reference models will be developed with the aid of the proposed methodology. This classification system gives a comprehensive, but abstract survey of 26 reference models found in the literature.
Specification of Business Components
Component-based software development is a potential reuse paradigm for the future. While the required technologies for a component-style system development are widely available, for instance Sun's Enterprise Java Beans, a problem inhibits the breakthrough of the component paradigm in business applacation domains: compared to traditional engineering disciplines there is a lack of standardized methods to describe business components. Such a description has to address several aspects: What services are offered and requested by a business component? How can these services be used? Are there any interdependencies between the services of a set of business components? What quality characteristics …