K. Yaldram
Unmixing of binary alloys by a vacancy mechanism of diffusion: a computer simulation
The initial stages of phase separation are studied for a model binary alloy (AB) with pairwise interactions e AA , e AB , e BB between nearest neighbors, assuming that there is no direct interchange of neighboring atoms possible, but only an indirect one mediated by vacancies (V) occurring in the system at a concentrationc v and which are strictly conserved, as are the concentrationsc A andc B of the two species.A-atoms may jump to vacant sites with jump rateГ A , B-atoms with jump rateГ B (in the absence of interactions). Particular attention is paid to the question to what extent nonuniform distribution of vacancies affects the unmixing kinetics. Our study focuses on the special caseГ A =…
Monte Carlo simulation of phase separation and clustering in the ABV model
As a model for a binary alloy undergoing an unmixing phase transition, we consider a square lattice where each site can be either taken by an A atom, a B atom, or a vacancy (V), and there exists a repulsive interaction between AB nearest neighbor pairs. Starting from a random initial configuration, unmixing proceeds via random jumps of A atoms or B atoms to nearest neighbor vacant sites. In the absence of any interaction, these jumps occur at jump ratesΓ A andΓ B, respectively. For a small concentration of vacancies (c v=0.04) the dynamics of the structure factorS(k,t) and its first two momentsk 1(t),k 2 2 (t) is studied during the early stages of phase separation, for several choices of co…
Spinodal decomposition of a two-dimensional model alloy with mobile vacancies
Abstract Monte Carlo simulations are performed for the initial stages of phase separation in a model binary alloy (AB), where unmixing is caused by a repulsive energy between atoms of different kind ( e AA = e BB = e ), and a small fraction c v of mobile vacancies is present (typically c v = 0.04.) Unlike previous work, where interdiffusion was modelled in an unrealistic way by direct interchange of A and B atoms for c v = 0, were use the vacancy mechanism of diffusion: A-atoms may jump to vacant sites with a rate Γ A and B-atoms may jump to vacant sites with a rate Γ B , no direct A–B interchange being permitted. It is shown that the overall time-scale on which phase separation proceeds ty…