Norbert Börner
Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zum Reizdarmsyndrom bei konsekutiven Patienten zweier internistischer Ambulanzen
OBJECTIVES We investigated the nature of illness behavior and the meaning of emotional deficiencies during childhood in patients with irritable bowel diseases (IBS). DATA A consecutive study in two tertiary referral centers was conducted with 48 patients suffering from irritable bowel diseases (IBS) and 91 patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS The diagnosis of IBS was made by following the Manning criteria, a positive diagnosis of IBD was established through physical, endoscopic and radiologic examinations and was confirmed histologically. Psychological data were obtained by structured psychiatric interviews and psychological self-report measures (GBB). RESULTS We found th…
Diagnosis of aortic dissection by transesophageal echocardiography.
Fragebogen zur Messung der psychosozialen Belastungen bei chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen (FBCED): Konstruktion und Evaluation
The "Inflammatory Bowel Disease Stress Inventory (IBD-SI)" measures a broad spectrum of disease-specific every day stress factors in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Based on a multistage factor analysis on 300 CED patients, the final form comprises 32 items assigned to 8 different domains: depressed mood, doctor-patient relationship, anxiety about loss of bowel control, occupational impairment, worries about deteriovation, stress from medical treatment, impairment of sexuality/partnership and physical complaints. In addition, a global stress score can be obtained. The reliability values of the 8 subscales with 4 items each indicate a good internal consistency (alpha = 0.76 -…