Lars-christian Horn
Lack of Hypoxic Response in Uterine Leiomyomas despite Severe Tissue Hypoxia
Abstract Hypoxia is now established as a key factor influencing the pathophysiology of malignant growth. Among other effects, hypoxia modulates the expression of a multitude of genes through the induction of hypoxia-inducible transcription factors. This differential gene expression favors angiogenesis, cell survival, an invasive/metastatic phenotype, and resistance to anticancer therapies. Because benign tumors do not exhibit these traits, one might expect these entities to be neither hypoxic nor to induce the genetic hypoxia response program. To test this hypothesis, an investigation of the oxygenation status of 17 leiomyomas and 1 leiomyosarcoma of the uterus using polarographic needle el…
Trastuzumab therapy vs tetracycline controlled ERBB2 downregulation: influence on tumour development in an ERBB2-dependent mouse tumour model
Trastuzumab (Herceptin) has improved therapy of breast cancer. Only patients overexpressing ERBB2 are treated with trastuzumab, whereas its use in tumours without ERBB2 expression is useless. This led to the concept that the subgroup of trastuzumab-sensitive tumours is ‘ERBB2-dependent', meaning that ERBB2 signalling is indispensable for growth of these tumours. We used a mouse model that allows anhydrotetracycline (ATc)-controlled downregulation of ERBB2 in tumour tissue. ERBB2 mRNA and protein expression were downregulated below detection limit leading to a macroscopically complete tumour remission within 14 days. Tumour remission was accompanied by a strong decrease in proliferation, a m…
Surgical Anatomy for Radical Prostatectomy
Exact neuroanatomical knowledge of the male and female pelvis has become increasingly important to both anatomists and pelvic surgeons (bowel surgery, urology, gynaecology). Anatomical discoveries are often the basis for the development of new operating methods. In addition, functional results after operative procedures have become the target of detailed anatomical scrutiny.
Greenberg dysplasia: first reported case with additional non-skeletal malformations and without consanguinity
In 1988 Greenberg et al. reported an association of fetal hydrops with irregular calcification and moth-eaten skeletal dysplasia. Here, we report on the first case of this disorder accompanied by additional malformations (omphalocele, intestinal malrotation, disturbed fingernails and toes, hypolobated lungs) in a German couple without consanguinity (karyotype 46,XY). Sonograpically, the fetus was characterised by tetraphokomelia, severe generalised hydrops, pulmonal hypoplasia and hepato-splenomegaly. Greenberg dysplasia should be considered in differential diagnosis in cases with severe fetal hydrops and phokomelia on antenatal sonography.
Invasives Karzinom der Vagina
Vaginalkarzinome gehoren zu den seltenen Tumoren (etwa 500 Falle pro Jahr in Deutschland). Risikofaktoren sind die HPV-Infektion, Immundepression, Nikotinabusus und HPV-assoziierte Vorerkrankungen der Cervix uteri und der Vulva. Als teilweise Primarpravention kann die HPV-Impfung gelten. Eine systematische Fruherkennung existiert angesichts der Seltenheit der Erkrankung nicht. Auffallige zytologische Befunde bei fehlender oder unauffalliger Zervix sollten zu einer intensivierten Untersuchung mit Inspektion und Kolposkopie veranlassen. Es handelt sich uberwiegend um Plattenepithelkarzinome. Die definitive Diagnostik erfolgt durch histologische Sicherung. Zum Staging werden erst in fortgeschr…
GLUT-1 staining of squamous cell carcinomas of the uterine cervix identifies a novel element of invasion.
Perturbation of the normal tissue architecture in solid malignant tumors is perceived to be the consequence of actively migrating cancer cells which invade the adjacent normal host tissue. The opposite, invasion of cancer cell clusters by a vascularized stroma, has not been considered. The latter process should, however, be expected to occur since the hypoxic cores of tumor cell aggregates, under the control of HIF-1, are known to secrete cytokines (e.g., bFGF, VEGF) which attract fibroblasts and induce blood vessel formation. In this study, the expression of glucose transporter (GLUT)-1, a major HIF-1 target gene, was examined in 51 squamous cell carcinomas of the uterine cervix by immunoh…