Paloma Rasal

A game for emotional regulation in adolescents: The (body) interface device matters

The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of the type of interface device in the efficacy of a serious game that teaches emotional regulation (ER) strategies in a non-clinical sample of adolescents. We conducted a between-participants experiment in which participants (N = 61) played a frustration induction game, and then an ER game (a breathing strategy game), using one of three types of devices (computer, smartphone, and RGB-D camera). Frustration mood and perceived arousal were the main variables measured. Results revealed a significant interaction between moment (pre-induction phase, post-induction phase, and regulation phase) and the type of interface device used in the frustration …

research product

Convivencia e inteligencia emocional en niños en edad escolar

La violencia o agresividad entre escolares es un tema de actualidad de gran relevancia social debido, principalmente, a que la escuela es una de las instituciones, junto a la familia, en la que se forman los ninos y adolescentes. Para abordar este tema es imprescindible conocer, entre otras cosas, que rasgos caracterizan a los alumnos violentos o agresivos. En este trabajo, se estudia la relacion entre variables tales como empatia, autocontrol e impulsividad, que forman parte del constructo denominado inteligencia emocional, con influencia en las conductas agresivas en el ambiente escolar. Los resultados son alentadores ya que permiten disenar programas concretos de intervencion en relacion…

research product