Georgios Chatzidrosos

Photoluminescence at the ground-state level anticrossing of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond: A comprehensive study

Physical review / B 103(3), 035307 (2021). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.103.035307

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Infrared laser threshold magnetometry with a NV doped diamond intracavity etalon

International audience; We propose a hybrid laser system consisting of a semiconductor external cavity laser associated to an intra-cavity diamond etalon doped with nitrogen-vacancy color centers. We consider laser emission tuned to the infrared absorption line that is enhanced under the magnetic field dependent nitrogen-vacancy electron spin resonance and show that this architecture leads to a compact solid-state magnetometer that can be operated at room-temperature. The sensitivity to the magnetic field limited by the photon shot-noise of the output laser beam is estimated to be less than 1 pT/ √ Hz. Unlike usual NV center infrared magnetometry, this method would not require an external f…

research product

High homogeneity permanent magnet for diamond magnetometry

Abstract Halbach magnets are a source of homogeneous magnetic field in an enclosed volume while keeping stray fields at a minimum. Here, we present the design, construction, and characterization for a stack of two Halbach rings with 10 cm inner diameter providing a homogeneous ( 100 ppm over 1.0 × 1.0 × 0.5 cm 3 ) magnetic field of around 105 mT, which will be used for a diamond based microwave-free widefield imaging setup. The final characterization is performed with a novel fiberized diamond-based sensor on a 3D translation stage documenting the high homogeneity of the constructed Halbach array and its suitability for the proposed use.

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Fiberized diamond-based vector magnetometers

Frontiers 2, 732748 (2021). doi:10.3389/fphot.2021.732748

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Eddy-Current Imaging with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond

We demonstrate microwave-free eddy-current imaging using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. By detecting the eddy-current induced magnetic field of conductive samples, we can distinguish between different materials and shapes and identify structural defects. Our technique allows for the discrimination of different materials according to their conductivity. The sensitivity of the measurements is calculated as 8$\times 10 ^{5}$\,S/m\,$\sqrt[]{\textrm{Hz}}$ at 3.5\,MHz, for a cylindrical sample with radius $r_0$\,=\,1\,mm and height $h$\,=\,0.1\,mm (volume $\sim$\,0.3\,mm$^3$), at a distance of 0.5\,mm. In comparison with existing technologies, the diamond-based device exhibits a superior ba…

research product

Battery characterization via eddy-current imaging with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond

Sensitive and accurate diagnostic technologies with magnetic sensors are of great importance for identifying and localizing defects of rechargeable solid batteries in a noninvasive detection. We demonstrate a microwave-free AC magnetometry method with negatively charged NV centers in diamond based on a cross-relaxation feature between NV centers and individual substitutional nitrogen (P1) centers occurring at 51.2 mT. We apply the technique to non-destructive solid-state battery imaging. By detecting the eddy-current-induced magnetic field of the battery, we distinguish a defect on the external electrode and identify structural anomalies within the battery body. The achieved spatial resolut…

research product

Miniature Cavity-Enhanced Diamond Magnetometer

We present a highly sensitive miniaturized cavity-enhanced room-temperature magnetic-field sensor based on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. The magnetic resonance signal is detected by probing absorption on the 1042\,nm spin-singlet transition. To improve the absorptive signal the diamond is placed in an optical resonator. The device has a magnetic-field sensitivity of 28 pT/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$, a projected photon shot-noise-limited sensitivity of 22 pT/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$ and an estimated quantum projection-noise-limited sensitivity of 0.43 pT/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$ with the sensing volume of $\sim$ 390 $\mu$m $\times$ 4500 $\mu$m$^{2}$. The presented miniaturized device is the basis for an e…

research product

Level anti-crossing magnetometry with color centers in diamond

Recent developments in magnetic field sensing with negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centers (NV) in diamond employ magnetic-field (MF) dependent features in the photoluminescence (PL) and eliminate the need for microwaves (MW). Here, we study two approaches towards improving the magnetometric sensitivity using the ground-state level anti-crossing (GSLAC) feature of the NV center at a background MF of 102.4\,mT. Following the first approach, we investigate the feature parameters for precise alignment in a dilute diamond sample; the second approach extends the sensing protocol into absorption via detection of the GSLAC in the diamond transmission of a 1042\,nm laser beam. This leads to an …

research product

Microwave-free vector magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy centers along a single axis in diamond

Sensing vector magnetic fields is critical to many applications in fundamental physics, bioimaging, and material science. Magnetic-field sensors exploiting nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers are particularly compelling as they offer high sensitivity and spatial resolution even at nanoscale. Achieving vector magnetometry has, however, often required applying microwaves sequentially or simultaneously, limiting the sensors' applications under cryogenic temperature. Here we propose and demonstrate a microwave-free vector magnetometer that simultaneously measures all Cartesian components of a magnetic field using NV ensembles in diamond. In particular, the present magnetometer leverages the level ant…

research product

Infrared laser magnetometry with a NV doped diamond intracavity etalon

We propose an hybrid laser system consisting of a semiconductor external cavity laser associated to an intra-cavity diamond etalon doped with nitrogen-vacancy color centers. We consider laser emission tuned to the infrared absorption line that is enhanced under the magnetic field dependent nitrogen-vacancy electron spin resonance and show that this architecture leads to a compact solid-state magnetometer that can be operated at room-temperature. The sensitivity to the magnetic field limited by the photon shot-noise of the output laser beam is estimated to be around $250~\mathrm{fT/\sqrt{Hz}}$. Unlike usual NV center infrared magnetometry, this method would not require an external frequency …

research product

Imaging Topological Spin Structures Using Light-Polarization and Magnetic Microscopy

We present an imaging modality that enables detection of magnetic moments and their resulting stray magnetic fields. We use wide-field magnetic imaging that employs a diamond-based magnetometer and has combined magneto-optic detection (e.g. magneto-optic Kerr effect) capabilities. We employ such an instrument to image magnetic (stripe) domains in multilayered ferromagnetic structures.

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Photoluminescence at the ground state level anticrossing of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond

The nitrogen-vacancy center (NV center) in diamond at magnetic fields corresponding to the ground state level anticrossing (GSLAC) region gives rise to rich photoluminescence (PL) signals due to the vanishing energy gap between the electron spin states, which enables to have an effect on the NV center's luminescence for a broad variety of environmental couplings. In this article we report on the GSLAC photoluminescence signature of NV ensembles in different spin environments at various external fields. We investigate the effects of transverse electric and magnetic fields, P1 centers, NV centers, and the $^{13}$C nuclear spins, each of which gives rise to a unique PL signature at the GSLAC. …

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