Danilo Nicola Dongiovanni
Eurofusion-DEMO Divertor - Cassette Design and Integration
International audience; The Eurofusion-DEMO design will complete the Pre Conceptual Design phase (PCD) with a PCD Gate, named G1, scheduled to take place in Q4 2020 that will focus on assessing the feasibility of the plant and its main components prior to entering into the Conceptual Design phase. In the paper first an overview is given of the Eurofusion-DEMO Divertor Assembly including design and interface description, systems and functional requirements, load specification, system classification, manufacturing procedures and cost estimate. Then critical issues are discussed and potential design solutions are proposed, e.g.:- Neutron material damage limits of the different (structural) mat…
Progress in the initial design activities for the European DEMO divertor: Subproject "Cassette"
Abstract Since 2014 preconceptual design activities for European DEMO divertor have been conducted as an integrated, interdisciplinary R&D effort in the framework of EUROfusion Consortium. Consisting of two subproject areas, ‘Cassette’ and ‘Target’, this divertor project has the objective to deliver a holistic preconceptual design concept together with the key technological solutions to materialize the design. In this paper, a brief overview on the recent results from the subproject ‘Cassette’ is presented. In this subproject, the overall cassette system is engineered based on the load analysis and specification. The preliminary studies covered multi-physical analyses of neutronic, thermal,…
An enhanced, near-term HCPB design as driver blanket for the EU DEMO
The Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) breeding blanket is a candidate as driver blanket for the EU DEMO. The reference design of the HCPB is based on a cooling plate “sandwich” arrangement built in Multi-Module Segments. This architecture significantly improved the tritium breeding performance (TBR = 1.15) and the plant circulating power (≈130 MW) compared to the former ITER-like “beer-box”-like design (TBR<1.10, plant circulating power>200 MW). However, several issues remain with this design, in which (1) the still large power required per He circulator (beyond the state-of-the-art for these components) and (2) the large tritium inventory foreseen in Be have been identified as the most…