Antisana volcano: A representative andesitic volcano of the eastern cordillera of Ecuador: Petrography, chemistry, tephra and glacial stratigraphy
Antisana volcano is representative of many active andesitic strato-volcanoes of Pleistocene age in Ecuador's Eastern Cordillera. This study represents the first modern geological and volcanological investigation of Antisana since the late 1890's; it also summarizes the present geochemical understanding of its genesis. The volcano's development includes the formation and destruction of two older edifices (Antisana I and II) during some 400 + ka. Antisana II suffered a sector collapse about 15,000 years ago which was followed by the birth and growth of Antisana III. During its short life Antisana III has generated >= 50 eruptions of small to medium intensity, often associated with andesitic t…
Noble gas magmatic signature of the Andean Northern Volcanic Zone from fluid inclusions in minerals
Trace volatile elements like He are key for understanding the mantle source signature of magmas and to better constrain the relative roles of subduction and crustal processes to the variability of along-arc chemical and isotopic signatures of magmatic fluids. Here we report on noble gas abundances and isotopic data of Fluid Inclusions (FIs) in eruptive products and/or fumarolic gases from the Colombia-Ecuador segment of Andean Northern Volcanic Zone (NVZ). FIs in olivine phenocrysts from Ecuador (El Reventador, Cotopaxi and Tungurahua) yield air-normalized corrected He-3/He-4 ratios of 7.0-7.4 R-A, within the MORB range (8 +/- 1 R-A). With exception of the Cotopaxi lavas (opx = 50 km at the…