Petja Paakkinen
Impact of dijet and D-meson data from 5.02 TeV p+Pb collisions on nuclear PDFs
We discuss the new constraints on gluon parton distribution function (PDF) in lead nucleus, derivable with the Hessian PDF reweighting method from the 5.02 TeV p+Pb measurements of dijet (CMS) and $D^0$-meson (LHCb) nuclear modification ratios. The impact is found to be significant, placing stringent constraints in the mid- and previously unconstrained small-$x$ regions. The CMS dijet data confirm the existence of gluon anti-shadowing and the onset of small-$x$ shadowing, as well as reduce the gluon PDF uncertainties in the larger-$x$ region. The gluon constraints from the LHCb $D^0$ data, reaching down to $x \sim 10^{-5}$ and derived in a NLO perturbative QCD approach, provide a remarkable…
EPPS16: Nuclear parton distributions with LHC data
We introduce a global analysis of collinearly factorized nuclear parton distribution functions (PDFs) including, for the first time, data constraints from LHC proton-lead collisions. In comparison to our previous analysis, EPS09, where data only from charged-lepton-nucleus deep inelastic scattering (DIS), Drell-Yan (DY) dilepton production in proton-nucleus collisions and inclusive pion production in deuteron-nucleus collisions were the input, we now increase the variety of data constraints to cover also neutrino-nucleus DIS and low-mass DY production in pion-nucleus collisions. The new LHC data significantly extend the kinematic reach of the data constraints. We now allow much more freedom…
EPPS16 : Bringing nuclear PDFs to the LHC era
We report on EPPS16, the first global analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) to include LHC data. Also for the first time, a full flavour dependence of nPDFs is allowed. While the included Z and W data are found to have insufficient statistics to yield stringent constraints, the CMS 5.02 TeV proton-lead dijet data prove crucial in setting the shape of nuclear gluon modifications. With these and other observables being measured in proton-lead runs, we are experiencing a shift of nPDFs to the LHC precision era.
Constraining PDFs and nPDFs with Recent Data
The progress in constraining proton and nuclear parton distribution functions is briefly summarised. Some persistent uncertainties are pointed out and recent experimental advancements highlighted.
Impact of CMS 5.02 TeV dijet measurements on gluon PDFs - a preliminary view
We discuss the implications of the preliminary CMS dijet data from 5.02 TeV pp and pPb collisions for gluon PDFs of the proton and nuclei. The preliminary pp data show a discrepancy with NLO predictions using for example the CT14 PDFs. We find that this difference cannot be accommodated within the associated scale uncertainties and debate the possible changes needed in the gluon PDF. A similar discrepancy is found between the CMS pPb data and NLO predictions e.g. with the EPPS16 nuclear modifications imposed on the CT14 proton PDFs. When a nuclear modification ratio of the pp and pPb data is constructed, the uncertainties in the scale choices and in proton PDFs effectively cancel and a good…
Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi evolution equations
Laskettaessa suuren liikemäärävaihdon hadronisten prosessien sirontatodennäköisyyksiä häiriöteoreettisesti kvanttiväridynamiikan (QCD) avulla joudumme parametrisoimaan tietämättömyyttämme hadronien rakenteesta nk. partonijakaumafunktioihin (PDF). Vaikka nämä partonijakaumat eivät ole johdettavissa häiriöteoreettisesti, voidaan niiden skaalaevoluutiota määrittävät Dokshitzer–Gribov–Lipatov–Altarelli–Parisi (DGLAP) -yhtälöt löytää analyyttisellä laskulla. Tarkastelemalla syvästi epäelastista leptoni–hadroni sirontaa (DIS) näemme massattoman QCD:n tuottavan kollineaarisia divergenssejä. Näiden divergenttien termien sisällyttäminen partonijakaumien määritelmään johtaa fysikaalisesti äärellisiin…
Nuclear parton distribution functions
I review recent developments in the extraction of nuclear parton distribution functions. First describing the global analysis framework, I then present a comparison of the latest analyses in terms of included data and theoretical details, pointing out a few general trends.
EPPS21: a global QCD analysis of nuclear PDFs
We present an updated global analysis of collinearly factorized nuclear parton distribution functions (PDFs) at next-to-leading order in perturbative QCD. In comparison to our previous fit, EPPS16, the present analysis includes more data from proton-lead collisions at the Large Hadron Collider: 5TeV double-differential CMS dijet and LHCb D-meson data, as well as 8TeV CMS W$^\pm$ data. These new data lead to significantly better-constrained gluon distributions at small and intermediate values of the momentum fraction $x$, confirming the presence of shadowing and antishadowing for gluons in large nuclei. In addition, we include Jefferson Lab measurements of deeply inelastic scattering which p…
Applicability of pion-nucleus Drell-Yan data in global analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions
Despite the success of modern nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) in describing nuclear hard-process data, they still suffer from large uncertainties. One of the poorly constrained features is the possible asymmetry in nuclear modifications of valence $u$ and $d$ quarks. We study the possibility of using pion-nucleus Drell-Yan dilepton data as a new constraint in the global analysis of nPDFs. We find that the nuclear cross-section ratios from the NA3, NA10 and E615 experiments can be used without imposing significant new theoretical uncertainties and, in particular, that these datasets may have some constraining power on the $u$/$d$ -asymmetry in nuclei.
Light-nuclei gluons from dijet production in proton-oxygen collisions
The prospects of measuring a single-differential dijet cross section during the proposed short proton-oxygen data taking at LHC Run 3 are studied using next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD predictions. With reasonable experimental cuts and luminosity estimates, such a measurement is found to be feasible, and a few inverse nanobarns of integrated luminosity is estimated to be enough to yield new constraints on parton distribution functions (PDFs) of light nuclei. In the absence of a dedicated proton-proton reference, a mixed-energy nuclear modification ratio is proposed for cancelling free-proton PDF uncertainties to obtain a direct access to the nuclear modifications of the parton distrib…
Proton-PDF uncertainties in extracting nuclear PDFs from W± production in p+Pb collisions
We discuss the recent CMS Collaboration measurement of W± boson production in p+Pb collisions at 8.16 TeV in terms of the constraining power on nuclear parton distribution functions (PDFs). The impact of the free-proton PDF uncertainties on the nuclear PDF extraction is quantified by using a theoretical covariance-matrix method and Hessian PDF reweighting. We discuss different ways to mitigate these theoretical uncertainties, including self-normalization, forward-to-backward ratios and nuclear-modification ratios. It is found that none of these methods offer perfect cancellation of the free-proton PDFs but, with the present data uncertainties, the residual free-proton-PDF dependence has, co…
The EPPS16 nuclear PDFs
We report on EPPS16 - the first analysis of NLO nuclear PDFs where LHC p-Pb data (Z, W, dijets) have been directly used as a constraint. In comparison to our previous fit EPS09, also data from neutrino-nucleus deeply-inelastic scattering and pion-nucleus Drell-Yan process are now included. Much of the theory framework has also been updated from EPS09, including a consistent treatment of heavy quarks in deeply-inelastic scattering. However, the most notable change is that we no longer assume flavour-blind nuclear modifications for valence and sea quarks. This significantly reduces the theoretical bias. All the analysed data are well reproduced and the analysis thereby supports the validity o…
Non-quadratic improved Hessian PDF reweighting and application to CMS dijet measurements at 5.02 TeV
Hessian PDF reweighting, or "profiling", has become a widely used way to study the impact of a new data set on parton distribution functions (PDFs) with Hessian error sets. The available implementations of this method have resorted to a perfectly quadratic approximation of the initial $\chi^2$ function before inclusion of the new data. We demonstrate how one can take into account the first non-quadratic components of the original fit in the reweighting, provided that the necessary information is available. We then apply this method to the CMS measurement of dijet pseudorapidity spectra in proton-proton (pp) and proton-lead (pPb) collisions at 5.02 TeV. The measured pp dijet spectra disagree…
EPPS16 – First nuclear PDFs to include LHC data
We present results of our recent EPPS16 global analysis of NLO nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs). For the first time, dijet and heavy gauge boson production data from LHC proton–lead collisions have been included in a global fit. Especially, the CMS dijets play an important role in constraining the nuclear effects in gluon distributions. With the inclusion of also neutrino–nucleus deeply-inelastic scattering and pion–nucleus Drell–Yan data and a proper treatment of isospin-corrected data, we were able to free the flavor dependence of the valence and sea quark nuclear modifications for the first time. This gives us less biased, yet larger, flavor by flavor uncertainty estimates. …
Towards EPPS21 nuclear PDFs
We report on the progress in updating our global analysis of nuclear PDFs. In particular, we will discuss the inclusion of double differential 5.02~TeV dijet and D-meson measurements, as well as 8.16~TeV W-production data from p-Pb collisions at the LHC. The new EPPS21 analysis will also involve recent JLab data for deep-inelastic scattering. As a novel aspect within our approach, we now also quantify the impact of free-proton PDF uncertainties on our extraction of nuclear PDFs.
A QCD analysis of LHCb D-meson data in p plus Pb collisions
We scrutinize the recent LHCb data for D$^0$-meson production in p+Pb collisions within a next-to-leading order QCD framework. Our calculations are performed in the SACOT-$m_{\rm T}$ variant of the general-mass variable-flavour-number scheme (GM-VFNS), which has previously been shown to provide a realistic description of the LHC p+p data. Using the EPPS16 and nCTEQ15 nuclear parton distribution functions (PDFs) we show that a very good agreement is obtained also in the p+Pb case both for cross sections and nuclear modification ratios in the wide rapidity range covered by the LHCb data. Encouraged by the good correspondence, we quantify the impact of these data on the nuclear PDFs by the Hes…
Constraints for nuclear PDFs from the LHCb D-meson data
We quantify the impact of LHCb D-meson measurements at $\sqrt{s}=5 \, {\rm TeV}$ on the EPPS16 and nCTEQ15 nuclear PDFs. In our study, the theoretical description of D-meson production is based on the recently developed SACOT-$m_{\rm T}$ variant of the general-mass variable-flavour-number formalism, and the impact on PDFs is estimated via reweighting methods. We pay special attention on the theoretical uncertainties known to us, and are led to exclude the $p_{\rm T}<3 \, {\rm GeV}$ region from our main analysis. The LHCb data can be accommodated well within EPPS16 and nCTEQ15, and the data provide stringent constraints on the gluons in the shadowing/antishadowing regions. No evidence of …
Nuclear gluons at RHIC in a multi-observable approach
We explore the possibility of measuring nuclear gluon distributions at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) with $\sqrt{s}=200 \, {\rm GeV}$ proton-nucleus collisions. In addition to measurements at central rapidity, we consider also observables at forward rapidity, consistent with proposed upgrades to the experimental capabilities of STAR and sPHENIX. The processes we consider consist of Drell-Yan dilepton, dijet, and direct photon-jet production. The Drell-Yan process is found to be an efficient probe of gluons at small momentum fractions. In order to fully utilize the potential of Drell-Yan measurements we demonstrate how the overall normalization uncertainty present in the experim…
Impact of CMS dijets in 5.02 TeV pPb and pp collisions on EPPS16 nuclear PDFs
The CMS measurement of dijet pseudorapidity distributions in pPb versus pp collisions at 5.02 TeV provides a direct probe on nuclear gluon PDFs. We show that while the predicted pPb pseudorapidity distributions suffer from sizable free-proton PDF uncertainties, the ratios of the pPb and pp distributions are practically insensitive to scale and free-proton PDF choices. We find the CMS data on pPb to pp ratios to be in good agreement with the EPPS16 nuclear modifications. Using a non-quadratic extension of the Hessian PDF reweighting method, we study the impact of these data on the EPPS16 nuclear PDFs. Relative to EPPS16, we find stronger evidence for mid-x gluon antishadowing as well as indi…
Pion–nucleus Drell–Yan data as a novel constraint for nuclear PDFs
We have studied the prospects of using the Drell-Yan dilepton process in pion-nucleus collisions as a novel input in the global analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs). In a NLO QCD framework, we find the measured nuclear cross-section ratios from the NA3, NA10 and E615 experiments to be largely insensitive to the pion parton distributions and also compatible with the EPS09 and nCTEQ15 nPDFs. These data sets can thus be, and in EPPS16 have been, included in global nPDF analyses without introducing significant new theoretical uncertainties or tension with the other data. In particular, we explore the constraining power of these data sets on the possible flavour asymmetry in…