Osteonecrosis of the jaws by intravenous bisphosphonates and osteoradionecrosis : a comparative study
Aims: We analyze the possible clinical differences between bone jaw exposed areas in ONJ (osteonecrosis of the jaws) and ORN (osteoradionecrosis). Patients and method: Group 1 was composed with 53 ONJ cases and group 2 with 20 ORN cases. In both groups we analyzed, the major size of the exposed bone areas, the number of exposed areas, the location on the jaws and the presence of others associated and severe complications, such as skin fistulas and jaw fractures. We also investigated the possible local aetiology or trigger factor of the lesions. Results: The major size of the bone exposed areas was 2.29±2.02(mean ± std.dev) in group 1 and 2.7±2.9 (mean ± std.dev) in group 2 (p>0.05). The num…