Emilia Uurasjärvi

Redox-aktiiviset siltaavat ligandit lantanoidikomplekseissa

Redox-aktiiviset siltaavat ligandit on mahdollista hapettaa tai pelkistää suhteellisen pysyviksi radikaaleiksi inertissä atmosfäärissä. Siltaavina ligandeina ne voivat koordinoitua kahden tai useamman metalli-ionin välille. Paramagneettiset siltaavat radikaaliligandit ja lantanoidit ovat lupaavia rakenneosia yksittäismolekyylimagneettien valmistuksessa, sillä radikaalien diffuusit spinorbitaalit voivat peittää lantanoidien 4f-orbitaaleja, jolloin muodostuu voimakas vaihtokytkentä lantanoidin ja radikaalin välille. Lantanoidikompleksien magneettisuus syntyy lantanoidi-ionin elektronien, spin-ratakytkennän ja kidekenttäympäristön vuorovaikutuksista ja siihen vaikuttaa ligandien ja metallin vä…

research product

Chemical composition and particle size influence the toxicity of nanoscale plastic debris and their co-occurring benzo(α)pyrene in the model aquatic organisms Daphnia magna and Danio rerio

Little is known about how particle chemical composition and size might influence the toxicity of nanoscale plastic debris (NPD) and their co-occurring chemicals. Herein, we investigate the toxicity of 3 × 1010 particles/L polyethylene (PE, 50 nm), polypropylene (PP, 50 nm), polystyrene (PS, 200 and 600 nm), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC, 200 nm) NPD and their co-occurring benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) to Daphnia magna and Danio rerio. During the 21 days of exposure to PE 50 nm and PS 200 nm, the number of broods produced by D. magna decreased compared to other treatments. Exposure to BaP alone did not produce any effects on the reproduction of the daphnids, however, the mixture of BaP with PS (200 or …

research product

Particle balance and return loops for microplastics in a tertiary-level wastewater treatment plant.

Highlights: Dewatering by centrifugation was a step that removed a high number of MPs from the sludge. Sludge retained especially the fibrous microplactics. Reject water transported microplastics inside a wastewater treatment plant. Disc filter-based tertiary treatment ensured removal of 99% of microplastics in wastewater. Microplastics (MPs) from households, stormwater, and various industries are transported to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), where a high proportion of them are captured before discharging their residuals to watersheds. Although recent studies have indicated that the removed MPs are mainly retained in wastewater sludge, sludge treatment processes have gained less atten…

research product

Original data for article: Particle balance and return loops for microplastics in a tertiary-level wastewater treatment plant

Microplastics (MPs) from households, stormwaters and various industries are transported to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) where a high proportion of them are captured before discharging their residuals to watersheds. Although recent studies have indicated that the removed MPs are mainly retained in wastewater sludge, sludge treatment processes have gained less attention in MP research compared to water streams at primary, secondary and tertiary treatments. In this study, we sampled twelve different phases in a tertiary-level municipal WWTP in Central Finland. Our results showed that compared to plant influent load, three times higher number of MPs was circulating via reject water from …

research product