Hannu Puolijoki

Leisure time physical activity in individuals with screen-detected type 2 diabetes compared to those with known type 2 diabetes.

Abstract Aims To investigate whether leisure time physical activity (LTPA) characteristics differ between individuals with previously undiagnosed (screen-detected) and those with previously diagnosed (known) type 2 diabetes. Methods A population-based random sample of 1364 (participation rate 61%) men and 1461 (65%) women aged 45–74 years participated in a cross-sectional health examination including an oral glucose tolerance test and physical activity assessment by a self-administered questionnaire. Results Women with screen-detected type 2 diabetes ( n =110) were physically less active than those with known type 2 diabetes ( n =68) with differences in the duration of physical activity ses…

research product

Vuorovaikutus julkisen sairaalan johtoryhmäkokouksissa: Johtoryhmäjäsenten osallistumisen tarkastelua vuorovaikutuksen prosessianalyysin keinoin

Management groups are an essential part of the management system in Finnish hospitals. Nevertheless, only a few empirical studies have, to date, focused on public sector management teams. This study aims to understand social interaction in management team meetings by describing 1) how management team members participate during meetings and 2) what types of participant roles are constructed during meetings. Three consecutive meetings of an operational area-level management team were videoed. The social interaction was analyzed using the Bales’ Interaction Process Analysis. The results show that interaction during these meetings is task-related and chairperson-centered. The members participat…

research product

Association of Depressive Symptoms With Impaired Glucose Regulation, Screen-Detected, and Previously Known Type 2 Diabetes

OBJECTIVE To study the association between impaired glucose regulation (IGR), screen-detected type 2 diabetes, and previously known diabetes and depressive symptoms. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Altogether, 2,712 participants from three hospital districts in Finland attended a health examination. Cutoff scores ≥10 and ≥16 in the 21-item Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-21) were used for depressive symptoms. The participants were defined as having known diabetes if they reported diabetes. An oral glucose tolerance test was used to detect normal glucose regulation (NGR), impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and screen-detected diabetes. The participants were defined…

research product