Anna Karjalainen

Hyperspectral Imaging of Macroinvertebrates : a Pilot Study for Detecting Metal Contamination in Aquatic Ecosystems

The applicability of spectral analysis in detection of freshwater metal contamination was assessed by developing and testing a novel hyperspectral imaging (HSI) application for aquatic insect larvae (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae). Larvae were first exposed to four different cadmium (Cd) concentrations: 0, 1, 10, and 100 μg L−1 for 96 h. Individual larvae were then preserved in ethanol, inspected with microscopy for the number of anomalies in larval gills, and imaged by hyperspectral camera operating with wavebands between 500 and 850 nm. Three additional larvae from each exposure were analyzed for tissue Cd concentration. Although the larval tissue Cd concentrations correlated positively wit…

research product

Water-smart circular economy – Conceptualisation, transitional policy instruments and stakeholder perception

Highlights • A concept for a water-smart Circular Economy (CE) is introduced. • Elements of a water-smart CE are presented. • Instruments to support the transition to a water-smart CE are analysed. • Drivers for and barriers to the transition to a water-smart CE are identified. The Circular Economy (CE) is a concept that has gained considerable global attention during the past decade amongst private and public sector actors, politicians and policymakers, citizens and media, and scientific communities. Water and water-related ecosystems, despite their vital role in practically all human activities, have been largely missing from conceptualisations and scientific definitions of the CE. Theref…

research product

Biological responses of midge (Chironomus riparius) and lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) larvae in ecotoxicity assessment of PCDD/F-, PCB- and Hg-contaminated river sediments

We evaluated the utility of chironomid and lamprey larval responses in ecotoxicity assessment of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans (PCDD/F)-, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)- and mercury (Hg)-contaminated river sediments. Sediment samples were collected from the River Kymijoki with a known industrial pollution gradient. Sediment for the controls and lamprey larvae were obtained from an uncontaminated river nearby. Contamination levels were verified with sediment and tissue PCDD/F, PCB and Hg analyses. Behaviour of sediment-exposed chironomid and lamprey larvae were measured with Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor© utilizing quadrupole impedance conversion technique. In additi…

research product

Assessing ecotoxicity of biomining effluents in stream ecosystems by in situ invertebrate bioassays : A case study in Talvivaara, Finland

Mining of sulfide-rich pyritic ores produces acid mine drainage waters and has induced major ecological problems in aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Biomining utilizes microbes to extract metals from the ore, and it has been suggested as a new sustainable way to produce metals. However, little is known of the potential ecotoxicological effects of biomining. In the present study, biomining impacts were assessed using survival and behavioral responses of aquatic macroinvertebrates at in situ exposures in streams. The authors used an impedance conversion technique to measure quantitatively in situ behavioral responses of larvae of the regionally common mayfly, Heptagenia dalecarlica, to discharge…

research product

Sulfate sensitivity of aquatic organism in soft freshwaters explored by toxicity tests and species sensitivity distribution

Elevated concentrations of sulfate in waterways are observed due to various anthropogenic activities. Elevated levels of sulfate can have harmful effects on aquatic life in freshwaters: sulfate can cause osmotic stress or specific ion toxicity in aquatic organisms, especially in soft waters where Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations are low. Formerly, chronic toxicity test data in soft water have been scarce. The chronic and acute sulfate toxicity tests conducted with aquatic organisms from 10 families across various trophic levels in this study multiplied the number of tests conducted in soft freshwater conditions and enabled derivation of the species sensitivity distribution (SSD) and sulfate haz…

research product

Tolerance of Whitefish (Coregonus Lavaretus) Early Life Stages to Manganese Sulfate is Affected by the Parents

European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) embryos and larvae were exposed to 6 different manganese sulfate (MnSO4) concentrations from fertilization to the 3-d-old larvae. The fertilization success, offspring survival, larval growth, yolk consumption, embryonic and larval Mn tissue concentrations, and transcript levels of detoxification-related genes were measured in the long-term incubation. A full factorial breeding design (4 females × 2 males) allowed examination of the significance of both female and male effects, as well as female–male interactions in conjunction with the MnSO4 exposure in terms of the observed endpoints. The MnSO4 exposure reduced the survival of the whitefish early li…

research product

Toxicity of biomining effluents to Daphnia magna : Acute toxicity and transcriptomic biomarkers

Increasing metal consumption is driving the introduction of new techniques such as biomining to exploit low grade ores. The biomining impacts notably aquatic ecosystems, yet, the applicability of ecotoxicological tests to study the complex mixture effects of mining waters is insufficiently understood. The aim of the present work was to test if transcriptomic biomarkers are suitable and sensitive for the ecotoxicity assessment of biomining affected waters. The study site had been affected by a multimetal biomine, and the studied water samples formed a concentration gradient of contamination downstream from the biomining site. Cadmium and nickel were used as positive controls in the toxicity …

research product

Vesiviisaan bio- ja kiertotalouden kannusteet

Tämän selvityksen lähtökohtana oli arvioida niitä ohjauskeinoja, joilla vauhditetaan runsaiden vesivarojen Suomen kehittymistä edelläkävijäksi vesiviisaassa bio- ja kiertotaloudessa. Tämän loppuraportin ensimmäisessä osiossa tarkastelemme vedenkäytön nykytilaa Suomessa ja vertaamme sitä Tanskan ja Alankomaiden vastaaviin lukuihin. Vesitehokkuus oli noin kahdella kolmasosalla vertailun runsaasta 60 toimialasta Suomessa Tanskaa heikompi. Toisessa osiossa selvitimme haastatteluiden avulla eri toimijoiden näkemyksiä vesiviisaan bio- ja kiertotalouden valtavirtaistumisen ajureihin, esteisiin, mahdollisuuksiin ja ohjauskeinovaihtoehtoihin. Tärkeinä tekijöinä esille nousivat vesiin ja veden käyttö…

research product