Milazzo Giuseppe
La Casa II I o Casa del Dioniso. I contesti e le pitture
Context and characteristics of the roman painting and decorative system of house II I or Casa del Dioniso in Agrigento
La Casa II A o Casa del mosaico a rombi
Una breve descrizione della Casa II A del quartiere ellenistico-romano di Agrigento A short description of the House II A of the Hellenistic-Roman Quartier in Agrigento
Nuove indagini all'Edificio A di Piazza della Vittoria a Palermo
A recent archaeological excavation has been carried out in the so called "Edificio A", in the archaeological site of Villa Bonanno, Piazza della Vittoria in Palermo, by th Dipartimento Culture e Società (University of Palermo) and the Polo Regionale di Palermo peri i Musei ei Parchi Archeologici. "Edificio A" was discovered and excavated by the end of the XIX Century and the rich mosic floors were romeved and transferred at the Nationa Archaeological Museum. The style of these mosaics dated the building at the Severian perido but there are still somaspects of this monumnet that are unclear, such us its function and the existence of previous buildings inthe area. The new exploration aimed at…