B Mosa
Les infrastructures agroécologiques sur CA-SYS : objectifs et plan du dispositif
National audience
Strategic tillage in Conservation Agriculture : consequences on weed communities and winter wheat productivity
In Europe, Conservation Agriculture is currently challenged by higher weed pressure, potential glyphosate ban andreduced crop yield. The introduction of strategic tillage could be a viable option to diversify selection pressures onweeds and increase crop yield. Three types of fallow management (ploughing (CT), reduced tillage (RT), no-till withglyphosate (NT)) were compared on four fields after 17 years of no-plough, which ended with 7 years of NT. Weeddensity, weed composition, crop productivity and yield components were assessed in the following winter wheat.The reintegration of tillage after 17 years of Conservation Agriculture proved to be a major driver of weed communities before weedi…
Présentation de la plateforme CA-SYS à l'ITB : concept, design expérimental, données récoltées et bilan de la mise en oeuvre
National audience