Quentin Buatois
"Ce que je dis n'est pas nécessairement ce que je fais" : consommation des légumes secs par les adultes français
National audience
Représentations sur les légumineuses chez les consommateurs français et les professionnels de la filière. Evaluation des freins à la consommation et perspectives de réappropriation
What I say is not necessary what I do: pulses consumption in French adults
International audience; The consumption of pulses in the human diet is considered to have several advantages: from a nutritional point of view, pulses are rich in dietary fibers, complex carbohydrate, minerals/vitamins and an important source of vegetal proteins. They are considered essential to insure food security and support environmental sustainability. Despite these benefits, the consumption of pulses in France has declined over the past decades, dropping from 7.2 kg in 1920 to 1.7 kg/ person per year in 2016. The aim of this study is to understand the representation of pulses among French non-vegetarian consumers, using a direct method (questionnaire) and an indirect method (scenario …