Remedios Calero
Percepciones del usuario vs. percepciones del gestor del servicio sanitario: un análisis cualitativo en el ámbito del "Modelo Alzira"
Como un ejemplo de cómo la óptica de la Lógica del Servicio Dominante puede arrojar una mirada diferente al encuentro del servicio sanitario, el propósito del presente trabajo consiste en explorar la percepción del servicio sanitario de una manera dual: desde la perspectiva de la demanda (usuarios) y de la oferta (profesionales y gestores), buscando conocer las diferencias entre tres modelos de gestión sanitaria: público, privado y colaboración público-privada ejemplarizada en el denominado Modelo Alzira. Tras la revisión de la literatura de gestión sanitaria, se efectúa un análisis de los datos ofrecidos por el Barómetro Sanitario 2009.Este análisis de información secundaria se completa co…
In Which Type of Healthcare Do Patients Show Greater Loyalty? (Public Sector Management vs. Public-Private Partnership)
Introduction: The present study analyses the patients behavior in a setting with different management types: public sector management and public-private partnership. More specifically, the objective is to establish in which healthcare type (hospitalization, ambulatory surgery, emergencies, outpatients consultation) do the patients show a loyal behavior when they are in different management scenarios. Material and methods: A descriptive analysis based on secondary data collected from an internal database of the Conselleria de Sanidad of the Valencian Community in Spain, a scenario with two different healthcare management types (public sector management and public-private partnership) was con…
Perceptions of Healthcare Service End Users
The main objective of this study was to compare users’ perception and evaluation of both public and private healthcare services, distinguishing between primary and specialty care, with a cross-cultural approach in two Mediterranean countries: Italy and Spain. Within an exploratory approach and following a descriptive aim, we have conducted a quantitative methodology: after a literature review about health marketing and health management, we have developed a questionnaire and collected end users’ perceptions in both countries. Results highlight different aspects shaping the multidimensional healthcare service, such as the waiting lists, their experienced sensations, word-of-mouth (WOM) rele…
La satisfacción del cliente como indicador de calidad en neurorehabilitación
This paper tries to determine customer satisfaction degree from two perspectives: outsider customer (primary in patient and secondary in relatives) and insider customer (employee), being all of them indicators of quality of care in a neurorehabilitation centre. Results support clinician tendency of introducing patient satisfaction degree as an indicator, like effectiveness or efficiency, in order to value success treatment. This tendency allows to coordinate all actions in health care design in a such way that integrates professionals, patients and, in the case of a neurorehabilitation service, relatives perspectives.
Identificación de diagnósticos y especialidades con mayor lealtad del paciente como fuente de ventaja competitiva
Objetivo: En un escenario de financiación capitativa y facturación intercentros, guiado por el lema de “el dinero sigue al paciente”, su lealtad, manifestada a través de la libre elección de centro, adquiere un carácter estratégico para la gestión sanitaria. En este entorno, resulta de especial relevancia conocer en qué diagnósticos y en qué especialidades médicas y quirúrgicas el paciente muestra una mayor lealtad.
 Metodología: En el presente trabajo daremos respuesta al objetivo empleando como metodología un análisis confirmatorio y considerando, como datos secundarios, las asistencias de hospitalización y cirugía sin ingreso realizadas a pacientes de la Comunidad Valenciana en el a…
Patient Segmentation Based on Patient Loyalty
The present study aims to perform a segmentation of patients based on their loyalty behaviour. The analysis focuses on Valencia, a region in Spain that features a capitated financing and free-elective framework; such a framework is particularly suitable for this type of study because patient loyalty directly affects the system’s budget and economic viability. Using secondary data from the regional health council, the study focuses on relationships of influence and latent segmentation in answering seven research questions. The two-pronged statistical analysis is designed to analyse relationships of influence, on the one hand, and latent segmentation, on the other. Significant differences we…