Vicente Cerverón-lleó
SIGIC-UV: Sistema Inform�tico de Garant�a Interna de Calidad para los centros y titulaciones de la
Arran de la posada en marxa de l’espai europeu d’educacio superior, les universitats espanyoles han dissenyat sistemes de garantia interna de qualitat per als seus centres i les seues titulacions. Aquest article presenta en detall el Sistema Informatic de Garantia Interna de Qualitat de la Universitat de Valencia (SIGIQ-UV), una eina informatica de codi obert que integra tecnologies de gestio de processos de negoci amb tecnologies de repositori documental per al seguiment dels procediments de qualitat i l’emmagatzematge de les evidencies documentals resultants de la seua execucio. L’aproximacio modular amb que ha estat desenvolupat garanteix la flexibilitat del sistema, l’estat d’implantaci…
Data Analysis as a Tool for Optimizing Learning Management Systems
The advent of the Internet has opened a scope for research in new methods and tools that may facilitate the teaching and learning processes. This has, in turn, led to the development of learning platforms to support teaching and learning activities. The market penetration of these has been such that nowadays most universities provide their academic community with some form of a learning management system (LMS).Although a lot of effort has been put into deploying these platforms, the usage statistics that they generally provide are not generally processed to optimize their use within a specific context or institution (or confronted with quality or innovation indexes to produce useful feedbac…
Encouraging blended learning and ICT use at Universitat de València to improve the learning process with the .LRN platform
The Universitat de Valencia, one of the largest, oldest and most varied in Spain, concerned about the efficiency of the learning processes in the context of the convergence process towards the Higher Education European Space, has conducted educative innovation experiences in several degrees, diversifying learning activities.Interested in enhancing traditional classroom learning by use of ICT (with progressive blended learning introduction) has established a learning management system to enhance the learning and communication processes for the whole university. The overall goal was to build skills in ICT use in order to improve learning process quality and student participation.This paper de…