Guy Oliver

El marcaje revela un intercambio limitado de inmaduros de tortuga boba (<i>Caretta caretta</i>) entre regiones en el Mediterráneo occidental

Exchange of immature loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) between the northern and southern regions of the western Mediterranean was investigated using data obtained from several Spanish tagging programmes. Tagged turtles ranged in straight carapace length from 23.0 to 74.0 cm. Thirty-six turtles were recaptured after an average interval of 390.5±462.6 days (SD). As the mean dispersal distance (MDD) of a turtle population that spreads over the western Mediterranean would stabilize after 117 days (CI 95%: 98 to 149), two analyses were conducted that included data from turtles recaptured after 98 and 149 days respectively. In both analyses, turtles were recaptured more often than expected…

research product

El marcaje revela un intercambio limitado de inmaduros de tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) entre regiones en el Mediterráneo occidental

El marcaje revela un intercambio limitado de inmaduros de tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) entre regiones en el Mediterráneo occidental. – Se investigó el intercambio de inmaduros de tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) entre las regiones septentrional y meridional del Mediterráneo occidental a partir de los datos obtenidos por varios programas españoles de marcaje. El rango de la longitud recta de caparazón de las tortugas marcadas fue de 23 a 74 cm. 36 de ellas se recapturaron tras un intervalo medio de 390,5±462,6 días (DS). Como la distancia media de dispersión (MDD) de una población de tortugas que se dispersan por el Mediterráneo occidental se estabilizaría al cabo de 117 días (IC 95%: 98-149…

research product

El marcaje revela un intercambio limitado de inmaduros de tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) entre regiones en el Mediterráneo occidental

Exchange of immature loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) between the northern and southern regions of the western Mediterranean was investigated using data obtained from several Spanish tagging programmes. Tagged turtles ranged in straight carapace length from 23.0 to 74.0 cm. Thirty-six turtles were recaptured after an average interval of 390.5±462.6 days (SD). As the mean dispersal distance (MDD) of a turtle population that spreads over the western Mediterranean would stabilize after 117 days (CI 95%: 98 to 149), two analyses were conducted that included data from turtles recaptured after 98 and 149 days respectively. In both analyses, turtles were recaptured more often than expected…

research product