Noble gas magmatic signature of the Andean Northern Volcanic Zone from fluid inclusions in minerals
Trace volatile elements like He are key for understanding the mantle source signature of magmas and to better constrain the relative roles of subduction and crustal processes to the variability of along-arc chemical and isotopic signatures of magmatic fluids. Here we report on noble gas abundances and isotopic data of Fluid Inclusions (FIs) in eruptive products and/or fumarolic gases from the Colombia-Ecuador segment of Andean Northern Volcanic Zone (NVZ). FIs in olivine phenocrysts from Ecuador (El Reventador, Cotopaxi and Tungurahua) yield air-normalized corrected He-3/He-4 ratios of 7.0-7.4 R-A, within the MORB range (8 +/- 1 R-A). With exception of the Cotopaxi lavas (opx = 50 km at the…