Detection potential of the KM3NeT detector for high-energy neutrinos from the Fermi bubbles
A recent analysis of the Fermi Large Area Telescope data provided evidence for a high-intensity emission of high-energy gamma rays with a E-2 spectrum from two large areas, spanning 50 above and below the Galactic centre (the "Fermi bubbles"). A hadronic mechanism was proposed for this gamma-ray emission making the Fermi bubbles promising source candidates of high-energy neutrino emission. In this work Monte Carlo simulations regarding the detectability of high-energy neutrinos from the Fermi bubbles with the future multi-km(3) neutrino telescope KM3NeT in the Mediterranean Sea are presented. Under the hypothesis that the gamma-ray emission is completely due to hadronic processes, the resul…
EXAFS studies on the local structure of Er3+ ions in silica xerogels co-doped with aluminium
The local environment around Er3+ ions in wet and densified (at 900°C) silica xerogels (pure and co-doped with aluminium) has been studied at the Er L3-edge by X-ray absorption spectroscopy using the fluorescence detection technique. The radial distribution functions (RDF), reconstructed from X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), show several changes in the local co-ordination of erbium ions upon densification: shortening of the Er-O and Er-Si/Al distances, decrease of the co-ordination numbers and broadening of the Er-O RDF. The effect of Al co-doping is clearly discerned by EXAFS in both the first and second co-ordination shells for densified gels and mainly in the second shell for wet…