V. Vihko

Training-induced protection and effect of terminated training on exercise-induced damage and water content in mouse skeletal muscles.

Muscle swelling in connection with training-induced protection against exercise-induced damage and the disappearance of the protective adaptation after termination of training was studied in male NMRI-mice, aged 8 weeks at the beginning of the experiment. Mice were randomly assigned to several different treatment groups (training, training-exercise, exercise, detraining, detraining-exercise, together with their respective controls). Training and prolonged exercise sessions were performed by running uphill (6 degrees) on a motor-driven treadmill. Muscle damage was estimated by the total activity of beta-glucuronidase and water content from the red parts of m. quadriceps femoris (MQF), m. sol…

research product

Running-induced muscle injury and myocellular enzyme release in rats

The relationships and time course of exercise-induced muscle damage, estimated by beta-glucuronidase activity and microscopy, to muscle swelling, estimated by muscle water content and microscopy, and to the serum activity of creatine kinase (CK) and the concentration of carbonic anhydrase III were studied in rats 2, 12, 48, and 96 h after 90 min of intermittent running uphill (+13.5 degrees) or downhill (-13.5 degrees) at a speed of 17 m/min. The injury was more pronounced in soleus after uphill running and in the red parts of quadriceps femoris and in the white part of vastus lateralis after downhill running, whereas triceps brachii was not damaged. Increase in muscle water content preced…

research product